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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Final 2018 Commission Completed

5 months ago I had been asked if I could finish a Christmas stocking for the owner of the small company that I work for.  Time went by and I never heard anything back until the finished canvas was finally brought in yesterday afternoon.  Had to be back to my customer this lots of 'fun' getting it done last night.  Did get paid more because of the rush job that was needed.

I used black velveteen for the back, gold upholstery cording around the edges, and lined it in a cream w/gold metallic snowflake print.   And not shown in the pics are two little white & gold metallic pompoms glued on for the two knit hats.

1. Antibiotics are helping get rid of the infection, and hopefully won't take too big of a hit on my platelets

2. Weather is predicted to be dry (albeit cold!) for my drive out to AZ for vacation the next two days.....YEAH!


  1. My, my, my. Five months with no word is a long, long time to go without saying another word and then expecting you to finishing the project overnight. I think that is a asking far above the call of duty and especially when apparently yesterday was your last day at work. What if you had changed your plans and had been leaving right after work last night or had no time at all to work on the project in YOUR timeframe? I'll be miffed for you. My son is telling me that I have every right to be upset with his his father and I'm choosing not to be as it is not healthy for me, so I'll do it for you so you can be healthy. LOL Happy a great, safe trip and a wonderful vacation. Merry Christmas

  2. I agree with Susan...ask 5 months in advance and gives it to you the night before you leave on vacation?? Uh, no. I would have been happy to tell her I'd get it finished for her after I returned from my Christmas holiday!! There is always so much to do the night before you are driving on vacation...making a stocking just would not be in the cards! I'll be incensed for you as well! Be safe and have a blessed Christmas!!

  3. It looks great. I knew it would, because you were doing it, but she's one lucky person. I hope it was a LOT extra! Safe journeys.


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