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Saturday, December 22, 2018

URGENT NOTICE ---- Last Chance to Get My Patterns on Craftsy

In case you have not caught the news about the Craftsy debacle, as of December 28th my Crafty site will be taken down because the powers that be  at Craftsy decided that my little store was one of the ones they were going to get rid of.

They claim that any patterns you've purchased either for a price or for free will continue to be available  once the many sites are taken down, but I'm not sure that I would trust them.  I am making sure that everything is at least downloaded to your computer or printed off.

I am working on figuring out where I will be moving my patterns to, but have not finalized my decision on that.   I will post again when I do know that.

In the meantime thank you to those that have accessed my patterns for your patronage.

If you want to take a look to see if there are any you want, click here to to to my site.


  1. It's a sad day when Craftsy decides stores like yours aren't needed - I beg to differ but I'm sure they're not listening. Maybe something better is coming your way.
    Merry Christmas!

  2. Can't check. I already closed my Craftsy account. I can't support the new owners and all their draconian measures. I will follow you wherever you go. I found Etsy easy when I was selling thread and embroidery patterns. It isn't just little stores. Debby Kratovil's store is being shut down, too! She's a big name and has 125 patterns up on there. I hate that they are going to decide what can or cannot go in a shop! I won't be rejoining them, no matter what they do. I burned the bridge. =)

  3. Craftsy sold to NBC in August...this is how they treat the people who made Craftsy what it is. They haven't even been nice enough to send an email to those of us who just buy things there telling us about this change! Argh!!! It makes me not want to use Craftsy any more, but then that hurts the designers and that's not what I want. I'm sorry they are doing this to you.

  4. I am so sorry this has happened. I love your designs and look forward to being able to get them from your new shop in the future.


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