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Thursday, February 21, 2019

Cross-Stich UFO's

One thing having to sit in the infusion office for hrs on end while getting chemo has done is to give me time to work on some of my cross-stitch ufos.

After  2 different rounds of chemo, 2 states (WY and TX), 3 years, and 2 moves, this little piece (2" by 3") is now complete. 

This will most likely end up in a quilted postcard.
This piece was started during the same round of chemo in WY as the puppy.  I started back in on it yesterday and now have the lettering completed.  Flowers are now in progress.  I'm hoping to have it finished next session since all that is left is just done with a running stitch.


1:  Didn't fight leg cramps last night

2. Second infusion down, 2 more to go

1 comment:

  1. No leg cramps is a great thing! I really like the second one with buttons, especially.


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