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Thursday, February 21, 2019

More Memory Stockings finished.......

The next six stocking from the first pair of overalls have been finished.

Waistband and the zipper placket (minus the zipper) in the front of this stocking.  Placket stitched down to form a solid piece of fabric.
Part of the waist band and one side pocket in this stocking.
One of two stockings made by layering the larger scraps of denim to form a piece big enough for a stocking front.  raw edges were left exposed on the layered areas.

5 more denim stockings, and 2 denim & knit stockings to go from the first pair of overalls.


1. Tax return is back!  Good timing since we still haven't been paid from last week..........sigh......



  1. Your stockings are lovely!! I'm so sorry you haven't been paid...that's just wrong!! Can't you go to the Labor Board and force them to pay you?? I know sometimes businesses are on the thin edge, but the owners need to make sure the employees are paid in a timely fashion, even if that means the owner doesn't get a penny!! Praying you find a different job that pays you what you are worth...on time!!!

  2. I haven't even done my taxes yet. =) Probably no refund, though. Anyway, these stockings are amazing, once again. I think I like the side pocket one best!


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