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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Improv Challenge, Blocks 1-3

I've done string piecing for a long time as a means to using up the tiny and/or narrow pieces in my scrap stash.   However, I hadn't done any real improv piecing until seeing this challenge as my friend Susan was making her blocks.

For this, I started off with a couple of scraps that are my "focus" fabrics - by different designers but very similar in theme/pattern and in colors used in them.   I've then started using fabrics that go with these so that I can put the final blocks together into a finished quilt.
 Block 1 was to use strip sets. 

I first pulled a few pieces that would work with the prints, and then used part of a leftover piece of "string fabric" in the block as well.   All fabrics are scraps.  14 different fabrics in this block.
 Block 2 was to use "chunks" of fabric.

Starting to pull more colors from the focus fabrics in this one.  24 different fabrics from my scraps in this one.
 Block 3 was to be an improv log cabin.   I ended up with a cross of a log cabin and court house steps block - never did like to follow the  There are about 15 different scrap fabrics in this block.  See the parrot in the center peeking out?

1. Check is in the mail to payoff the next bill.  So happy to get to color in another flower.

2. No snow or ice down here, but nice 60's and 70's temps.


  1. I do like your set of blocks. I had hoped I would get mine finished this week, but that's going to have to wait until next week. I'm looking forward to trying some curved pieces.

  2. Love your improv blocks! Looks like you and Susan are having fun using up those scraps!

  3. These blocks turned out great. Love the placement of the parrot. Great color choices.


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