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Friday, February 8, 2019

Snail 6 & 7

I went through my orphan blocks and pulled out blocks that I thought would work for the shells on more snails. 

First up was this blue star block that had been bordered out to 15".  It was given to me yrs ago along iwth other orphan blocks by a quilting friend in Wisconsin.  Corners on the shell aren't perfect, but it'll still go into the final quilt.

The next orphan block I plan on making up is this block.   The block was given to me by an online quilting friend who was originally going to use it for a CQ block. 

I'm still debating what color body to put with the oranges & red.  This portion finishes out at 12".


1. That I'm at max out of pocket as they the work for pre-cert on chemo to start next week.

2. That I know who is in control when all seems to be out of my control and nothing works the way it did in yrs past with the clotting disorder.


  1. I'm wondering if you have a setting picked out for the snails? Love the star block shells - it's like barn blocks! LOL

  2. I love that you are using orphan blocks for your snail shells!! This is going to be an awesome quilt!


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