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Saturday, February 9, 2019

When you can't sleep..........

...........Quilt or sew as the case may be.  And that's what I've been doing since about 1:30 this morning. 

So far this weekend I've completed 5 more Christmas stockings for the big commissioned order.   These are from 4 of the bandannas that I was given.  Three of the stockings had to be strategically repaired,but thankfully there was enough of the bandannas to do it and be able to match the prints so that the repairs are not visible unless you know where to look.

Made this pillow from another bandanna when I couldn't sleep in the wee hours of the morning thanks to leg cramps that just would not go away if I was laying down (and yes, I've tried everything that i know to do.   they are side effects of medication that I have to take at present).

It finished at 16" and is backed in a med-dk grey Kona that was in my stash.
 All of this finished filling this bag of the latest round of commissioned items.   Just waiting now for my customer to be able to come pay and pick them up. 

Next up is deconstruction of the two pairs of denim overalls so that I can cut more stocking fronts along with  the fronts for 4 tote backs.

And this morning I made three more improv blocks - the top row ones pictured here with the first 5 that I made.   I'll be making 4 more blocks to even out a bit on the color distribution, and to get the final piece of the jungle/parrot print into the quilt.


1. That I know what to expect with the chemo I'll be starting this coming Wed.

2. That the side effects are minor compared to what other regimens have.


  1. Your stockings and improv blocks are so pretty! You do beautiful work! I sure hope you sleep better soon! Hope you have a nice day! Happy early Valentine's day as well. :-)

  2. I'm thankful that the side effects of your chemo is minor compared to that of some regimens. I had my chemo for breast cancer 15 years ago and it was not a pleasant experience. I'm sure much has changed, too. I'm sorry that you are not able to sleep. I have restless leg and restless arm and even with the medication, most nights I just about think I'm going to lose my sanity with the overactive nerves. Tuesday night the back of one of my knees had all the nerves alive and on high alert and the pain was intense. It was sharp, running and intense. Then all of a sudden the knee would jerk. Then out of the blue the left foot would jerk. That went on for over 20 minutes. Almost as suddenly as it stopped, I think I fell asleep. So I am sympathetic to your issue. I hope it can improve either as you get acclimated to the medication or you can stop taking the medication. Praying for you. Susan

  3. Wow, you get a lot done when you cant sleep. I love how your improv quilt is coming along. Its bright and beautiful. Very exciting!!

  4. The stockings are amazing. Everything looks great, too bad you had to miss sleeping, but maybe you were able to take a nap or sleep better last night. I love your improv blocks!

  5. I'm so sorry you are having trouble sleeping because of cramps. You are wise to use your time productively!! Praying your chemo has very few side effects and does its job well!!


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