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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Completed Snails and Another Flower Colored In

Finished three more snail blocks for my quilt over the weekend.

First up was this green and turquoise block.   The shell was made from an orphan strip set that I think I made yrs ago for a long ago project, but can't remember for sure.   Might have bought it in a scrap bag.

Next up was this multicolor snail.  Shell was made from scraps bought in a scrap bag a couple of yrs ago.  The body was made from Kaffe Fawsett scraps bought at my "local" quilt store.

This orange-red snail was made from an orphan block that a gal on a CQ list I'm a part of gave me several years ago.  The body is made from a scrap of a black and white pin-dot.

The white TOT background in all the blocks is from a remnant of the fabric.

And I was happy this weekend to color in one of the bigger flowers that has been hanging out there now for 4 years after sending off the check the first part of .    Love getting to mark off one of the bigger bills as paid off.   Next one up to be paid off is the light pink one in the left "painting", followed by the final flower in that "painting".


1. For God's provision of the money needed to make progress in paying off the bills.

2. For the cold rain that isn't snow or ice!

1 comment:

  1. I do love all the snail blocks - you're going to have an awesome quilt! I like that the one snail faces a different way, too. Congratulations on the bill paying, and may there be many more paid off soon.


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