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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Snails all together........

With 9 blocks made I decided I'd better lay them out on my bed to see how things were looking so far. 

At this point, I'm thinking I'll make one more of the largest blocks (18" by 27" finished), and then I have orphan blocks pulled for 4 blocks with 9" shells (9" by 15" finished) and 2 with 12" shells (12" by 18" finished). 

I've started working on a layout sketch so that I can figure out how these are going to go together and how many filler blocks (and what in sizes) I'll need to make to finish the quilt.

Now to decide - border or no border.......hmmmmm, any opinions?

1. Being unable to sleep due to leg cramps means I've had extra time to get things done around here.

2. For all the blessings in my life.


  1. How about border if you need it for size, and otherwise not? I like how they go back and forth and are different sizes. It makes a great look on the bed.

  2. Since I love modern quilts, I'm going for no borders...unless you want to paper piece little snails to go all around the quilt!! What do you plan on using the quilt for? Without a border, it looks to be a perfect throw size, but if you want it on your bed, I think you'll need a border to make it hang over the edge nicely. This is going to be great!!

  3. I agree with Susan, if you need to grow it, borders are a yes. Otherwise, no. It's a great quilt, I LOVE it !!


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