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Wednesday, April 17, 2019


So a little different post from me today.....

Many who've followed me for a while on here, or who know me personally know that I've moved all to frequently over the last 10+ yrs......and along the way have struggled at times financially.  And while at this point I'm not planning on moving again anytime soon (Lord willing that is!), the financial issues are still there as I deal with an income that has been anything but regular over the last 18 months or so, and doesn't seem to be getting any more stable at this point.

At any rate, my thoughts yesterday were challenged by an email I had received on the topic of contentment (from Rachel Cruze who is Dave Ramsey's daughter).

Some of the thoughts in the email that challenged me include these:

"You might have the head knowledge, the income, and even a monthly budget—but you still feel like a hamster on a wheel, running as hard and fast as you can."

"People who practice contentment . . .
  • don’t spend as much money because they don’t feel the pressure to keep up with a certain standard of lifestyle they can’t afford.
  • can break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck because they don’t have to spend money just to feel good.
But contentment isn’t a place you get to financially when you finally have “enough” money in your bank account or the brand of car you always wanted. It’s deeper than that. Contentment is the inner peace that comes with being happy and fulfilled wherever you are, with whatever you have. The Apostle Paul put it like this: “ . . . I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything.” (Philippians 4:11–12 NLT)."

None of these statements mean just accepting things as they are without trying to improve things.  But instead for me, it does mean that I need to make even more of an effort to look at what is in my life (people, things and what's happening) with even more gratitude and from the work to be content while working to get out of debt and improve things in my life.

So, how are you working towards a life of contentment?

1. For unexpected blessings like the two prizes I've been blessed with  this week from two different giveaways on IG and a blog hop.

2. For unexpected early time off of work one day this week.


  1. so lovely to see all your finished things...i hear your frustration as i, too, am severely financially challenged. i made a difficult choice to give up an excellent part time job to move closer to my daughter, as we needed to be near each other. my health is good but unable currently to work for other obligations get paid every month and i have enough for my basic needs but the challenge is's easy for people to give advice but being in the situation every day requires constantly staying positive and focusing on what is really important....

  2. I haven't read any of her stuff, though I'm quite familiar with her father, and try my best to follow his good principles. I am happy and content in whatever circumstances, though there is still one thorn in my side, and it really isn't money. You know what I struggle with, and how what I build gets destroyed by one person, but I'm trying hard to work around that. Yesterday's trip brought some good counsel from a friend that will probably help, too.

    I don't think we can ever be too grateful for the blessings our Heavenly Father provides. I take comfort in the fact that he knows my needs and is mindful of me, and you, and everyone, personally. He is in the details of our lives.


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