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Monday, April 15, 2019

H2H quilt finished

Found myself not able to sleep early Sunday morning so I got up and finished pin basting this little quilt and then quilted it before getting ready for church.  Got it bound in the afternoon.

It will be going to Jack's Basket as part of the Hands 2 Help challenge this spring.  You can read more about the challenge by clicking here.

Backing was the perfect size and color and from my stash.  The four blocks in the quilt were all samples that I made as I was testing new block patterns several years ago.


1. Found the beads and other materials I needed to make the bracelet portion of the medic alert bracelet that I really should be wearing but haven't been.

2. For friends who challenge to keep growing in my faith instead of remaining stagnant.


  1. I love the blocks in this quilt. You are so creative! I enjoy reading your blog. I appreciate the positive attitude you have in difficult situations. Your blog encourages me a lot.

  2. Yay! That is a great finish. Jack's Basket will be so happy with all they are going to receive!


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