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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

MQG Riley Blake Fabric Challenge - Spring 2019

Last week I'd received an email from UPS telling me that they would be delivering a package from UPS on 4/1 and that the sender was Riley Blake Designs............well I knew I couldn't figure out what it was.

It arrived yesterday evening and after opening the package I found these lovely fabrics.  All are fat-Eights (9" by 22") in size....  All but the middle fabric were in the challenge.  The solid blue is an extra piece.

Thankfully we can add any other Riley Blake fabric we want to instead of being limited to only certain lines.   Now I need to figure out a design so I can get any extra fabric needed.

I had tried to sign up back when they first opened the challenge but the website had given me a message saying that too many had signed up and I was out of luck......hmmmm, not quite

So now there's another thing on my to-do list to get done in the next 6 or so weeks.

And nope, I don't know what I'm going to do, but do know it won't be something big.  I do have some sanity

1. That I like challenges

2. For savings to cover the bills when payday comes and goes w/o getting a check......


  1. I have great faith that a great design will suddenly appear to you! The colors are yummy and with a few great prints that you will no doubt pull from your amazingly organized stash you will be on your way to the quilting masterpiece.

  2. I wish I could just pull from my stash! However, the challenges requires you use only Riley Blake fabrics and I don't have a lot of them in my stash....I do have an idea tho, and just need a background fabric and one other color to make it...(bought a fabric for the backing yesterday). =)

  3. Mystery solved! I'm sure it will be a wonderful idea when it comes to fruition, so I'll wait eagerly to see what your fertile mind decides. I never know what my fabrics are after I put them away!

  4. I don't like challenges that make you use a certain designers fabric and nothing else, unless they provide all the fabric - feels like a way to sell more fabric. I can't wait to see what you come up with!


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