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Monday, April 1, 2019

Weekend Hodge-Podge

Worked on a variety of things this weekend....first up was the snack mat made from the mystery fabric talked about here..

Then I made this little minky blanket for a commission.  It is 24" square and is for toddler to drag around.   This only used half of the fabric, so I have a second one in process.

5 Christmas stockings for the large commission were put together.  Only 16 more stockings to go along with the 5 totes that are also needed.  =)  The end is in sight for this commission.

Next commissions to be worked on -

-- hemming two pair of pants for a friend (overdue on this one)

-- pillows from a wedding dress (same customer as all the denim and t-shirt stuff)

-- 2 pieced stockings w/names added for a friend

-- and finally, for a couple of months from now, a quilt along the lines of this one posted on FB by APQS this past weekend.  To be customized and planes used that correspond to what the recipient works on for the mission (Missionary Aviation Fellowship) they are a part of.


1. For my knee being better even though it has been a pill this past weekend.

2. For friends who do canning and then let me take home the leftover pickles.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yum, pickles! I can hardly wait until I can have Stacey can lime pickles for me. They are SO good! The minky is cute - not my favorite fabric, but a child will love cuddling it. You've made a lot of commission progress, and I'm glad there's still more to do ... for the bills. =)


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