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Monday, February 24, 2020

Repairing a Vintage Quilt

A longtime friend of mine in Phoenix asked me to repair a vintage quilt she inherited from her mom that had been damaged by one of her dogs during a storm.

Poor pup had been scared and was "digging" on the bed to try to hide.   And ended up making a couple of holes all the way through the quilt in one block.

Next up was to add a piece of batting to the back and then sew a piece of muslin over that to start the repair process.  I then quilted through that so that it would hold to the quilt.
Next step was to cut a couple of batting patches in order to fill in the holes in the quilt so that the surface was level.
I then sewed a piece of muslin over the patched areas so that the background would be filled in.
Next step was to make a new bonnet for Sue.  Found the best match in color in Kona Cotton and used another block to trace a pattern.  I enlarged it just a teensy bit in order to make sure to cover the damaged areas.  Before sewing it down I took and did the embroidery on the bonnet.   Was able to make colors of the embroidery thread fairly closely using some of my umpteen bits of leftover threads.  The bonnet is hand appliqued down.
Final step was to hand quilt the bonnet down so that the look would be consistent with the rest of the quilt.   It was at this point that I realized I'd left off one bit of the original black embroidering...but I wasn't taking things back off to add that in.
Overall look to the repaired block.

1. For being able to find the right color for the repairs.

2. For the warm weather to wake up to this morning.


  1. Great repair!! No one would be able to tell you re-did the hat!!

  2. That really looks good. I'm very impressed at your repair.


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