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Monday, February 24, 2020

To-do's - February 24, 2020

Played hooky for a few hrs on Saturday but managed to get a number of things done.

Completions for the last couple of weeks -
  1. Teddy Bear for Henry - Completed and to be delivered Wed
  2. Repair antique Sun Bonnet Sue quilt for SR - Completed and mailed
  3. Sew Cross-stitch blocks together as needed for SR - Completed and mailed
  4. Fleece Doggie Coat - Completed and mailed
  5. Commissioned Storage pouch - Completed and mailed
  6. Feb. F2F Blocks - Completed and mailed
  7. BD Postcards - First set of 19 finished, two sets of 6 delivered for display and sale
  8. Owl print quilt for sister of TK - Blocks have been cut/pieced as needed

Commission To-do's for February -
  1. Easter Postcards for sale - Background of first set completed
  2. BD Postcards
  3. Mother's Day Postcards
  4. Father's Day Postcards
  5. Graduation Postcards

Current For Sale projects & Commissions-
  1. Owl print quilt for sister of TK - In Progress, pieced blocks ready to trim to size
  2. Pincushions for sale - make and list
  3. Repair blanket/quilt for KA - commercial quilt received, plan of reworking it decided on, no due date
  4. Auction quilt for private prep school where a friends DD attends (for JM) - Design drawn up, JM to verify proposed design ok with school

2019 Christmas gifts -
  1. Pillowcase(s) for triangle support pillow for PN - pillowcase taken apart, ready for new pattern to be made
  2. Send gifts to the N family

Future Commissions-
  1. T-shirt Quilt for friend in an online group (no due date, waiting for shirts and specs)
  2. T-shirt quilt for a friend at church (no due date, waiting for shirts, specs)
  3. Men's Shirt alterations (multiple, not sure how many at this point) for AJ
  4. Hem dress and alter jacket for CJ
  5. T-shirt quilts for CA and CA
  6. Memory bears for TA
  7. Quilt/Finish baby quilt for SN

Possible Commissions/Sales-
  1. Airplane quilt - need to make sample blocks before getting back with friend to see if she's interested
  2. Music Quilt - long time possibility....rumblings about it happening again - Designed, waiting on down payment
  3. Teddy Bear Quilt - This needs to be quilted (either for the original order or sold to someone else)
  4. Quilt tops that are for sale (Wolf + more)
Other projects that need to be done -
  1. Keep up with blocks for this years F2F swap.
  2. List items for sale on Ebay or other fitting site
  3. List fabric "Sets" for sale on FB
  4. Ship snail quilt out for quilting - Ready to ship, but have to wait till I get paid again 
  5. UFO Alphabet quilt #4 - Quilt, bind and finish
  6. Prep t-shirts for my own t-shirt quilt - t-shirts are all together (and have been for several yrs) but need to back with interfacing and get ready for quilting (doing quilt as you go).
  7. Downsize quilting fabric stash - Started, lots more to go thru
  8. Find place to donate clothing fabric - One email sent, waiting on response.  More to send
  9. Get website set up so that I can sell what I'm making and my quilts - started need to finish
  10. Continue looking for and applying for new, paying jobs
  11. Teddy Bear for Ezra
  12. Stretching Art 2020 - Quilting in Progress
  13. Purse for Caroline for Graduation - same type as 2 Christmas's ago, just larger.

1. For meds that are helping knock the sinus infection

2. For the blessing of friends with new babies

1 comment:

  1. That's a pretty impressive list of projects. Love seeing all the completed on there!


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