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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

ScrapHappy - July 2020

In s=what seems to be the norm these days, the only quilting I've managed this month was the final three blocks for the Quilter's Trek shop hop that is happening now through September. 
These are to be 18" finished squares, but two of the blocks are not sewn together yet because I haven't made a decision on a final layout for the quilt I hope to turn in before the end of the month.
This block used up some leftover strips.  Wasn't colored as the shop had it, but still made the same.
 Blue fabric was leftover from one of the kits that I had bought for this year's trek.   4-patches should have been 9" finished but I goofed when I cut the squares for them.   So I used the final scraps to border two sides of the 4-patches to bring them up to size.

And this star is one of my favorite blocks to make, normally in a 9 or 12 inch size.............making the 3" ones in this was not fun, so glad there were only two of them!

To see what everyone else has been doing this month, check out the followig links:

KateGun, TittiHelĂ©neEvaSue, Lynn, Lynda, Birthe, Turid, Susan, Cathy,  Tracy, Jill, Claire, JanMoira,  SandraLindaChrisNancyAlysKerryClaireJeanJoanne, Jon, HayleyDawnGwen, Connie, Bekki, PaulineSueL, Sunny, Kjerstin and Vera

1. For encouraging news on some possibilities

2. For the continued sales of masks, and the income from the sales.


  1. those blue stars are really pretty, I can see where the small ones would be difficult.

  2. very nice blocks moira....and your masks are adorable!


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