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Thursday, April 15, 2021

Scrap-Happy - April 2021

Welcome to Scrap-Happy day, the day when a group of us post about the scrappy projects of any sort that we've worked on over the last month.

My project this month used up large scraps, aka remnants.   

The center panel was included in a scrap bag that I'd bought back in February.   

The stars had been made back in 2010 for a swap.   However, because I was using remnants I wasn't able to get the full number of blocks I needed for the swap so these sat in my UFO block totes for 11 years.   As it happened, the blue in the blocks exactly matched the blue in the window frame in the panel.

Current size of the quilt is 34" wide by 44" long.   I still have a remnant left of the background that I'm going to use to add wide top & bottom border, and narrow side borders to make the quilt a little larger.   

It'll be either sold, gifted, or donated somewhere when finished.  

Check out everyone else's scrappy projects at the links below:

KateGun, EvaSue, Lynn, Lynda,
Birthe, Turid, Susan, Cathy,  Tracy, Jill,
Claire, Jan, Moira (me!), Sandra, Chris, Alys,
Kerry, Claire, Jean, Jon, HayleyDawn,
Gwen, Bekki, Sue L, Sunny, Kjerstin,
Vera, Nanette, Ann, NancyDawn 2, Noreen,
Bear, Carol, Preeti and Edith


1. For finding somewhere to stay while back in Phx the next couple of weeks

2. For having somewhere to donate the cotton fabrics that I no longer want and knowing they'll be put to good use


  1. Gosh, 11 yearas is impressively long to hang onto something because you *just know* it's going to come in useful one day. And the day is here! This is a fun piece, and I hope you find what you need to finish it off, because it's too pretty to be buried again!

  2. I like it just as it is, and think that serendipity sometimes takes a very long time to arrive. =)

  3. A UFO of any amount of time, now finished is wonderful!

  4. the scrap bag must feel a lot lighter, after 11 years those blocks have found a good home.

  5. It always feels nice when you finally got to use old scrappy blocks! This is looking so good!

  6. What a lovely quilt you will have - the central panel is so effective and your blocks set it off perfectly.


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