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Monday, June 14, 2021

ScrapHappy June 2021

More prep work this month as I try to get things into shape for the house to go on the market.

First up were these assorted WOW's and COC's.   And when putting these away in their respective ziploc bags figured out that my next scrappy quilt needs a COC background....those two baggies of 2.5" squares are   And I've also realized I rarely use the 4.5" squares....need to come up with block patterns for them.

Have already found another gallon sized bag of scraps that need to be trimmed down to squares. 
And I finished off trimming the scraps I received from a friend (had been her MIL's).   Her MIL was very much loved by all who knew her, so my plan is to take these along with neutrals and make at least 4 lap quilts from them for the grandkids and the her son.

To see what kind of scrappy goodness everyone else has been working on click on the links below:

1. For friends who've volunteered to come help me get my house ready to put on the market.

2. For a working AC system in this TX heat and humidity

Sunday, June 13, 2021

UFO's From My Mom's Stash - Part 3

 The remainder of the cross-stitch UFO's I brought home from my April trip included these larger pieces.   There were several smaller ones that will end up being used in a quilted postcard at some point.   I forgot to take pics of them tho before putting them away in the appropriate totes.

this one was embroidered from a stamped piece.   It'll end up in a quilted postcard piece at some point.

Not sure what I'll do with most of these, but then again that is true of all the cross-stitch UFO's that I've created over the years.
Cross and verse
The Tennessee piece on the left will be finished at some point into something for my dad because that is where he was born and grew up.   
I'm thinking the piece on the right might end up being finished into a small wall-hanging for a friend.
love this one....
2 Oriental jars
I come by my tendency to create UFO's naturally - the cat on the left is dated on the collar tag.   My mom finished it in

not sure why this shows darker on the bottom half of the pic, it really is a white back ground.


1. To have these pieces of my mom's handiwork

2. For the many blessings that are in my life in spite of all that has happened over the last 18 months

UFO's From My Mom's Stash - Part 2

 The other UFO's that I found during my April trip were these 4 finished cross-stitch pieces that my mom had stitched onto corduroy squares.  

I'm assuming that she'd intended to make a quilt out of them and a number of other finished pieces because there were a bunch of cord squares cut that I did not bring home.

At this point, my thought is to use these 4 squares / cross-stitch pieces as the center of the memory quilt that I have plans to make for my dad.   I'll be using sweatshirts that I had made for my mom over the years for it, with an occasional t-shirt.   Many of the shirts I did had either cross-stitch pieces on them or applique work.   And the sweatshirt material would work with the corduroy.

It'll be a while before I can get to that project since I need to finish up some commissioned work first.  So who knows, the plan might change....

1. That I'm not having to deal with the 113+ degree temps of AZ.....98 plus high humidity is bad

2. For making progress in getting things cleaned up and boxed up here in the house.

UFO's From My Mom's Stash - Part 1, and a completion

 Working to clear out all of the totes and boxes that my mom had stashed and piled when I was last out in Arizona meant I found all sorts of things.   Included in all of what I went through were a bunch of completed needlework projects.  

Among the things found during the April trip were 4 needlepoint pieces.   

First up was this needlepoint version of a US 13-cent stamp.  The stamp was printed and sold in 1976, so the kit would have come out several years later.   My mom had finished the canvas.  I blocked it as best as I could and then sewed it into this pillow.

It has been sent to my dad because she had been making it for him.  

This one is an oriental print, have no idea what I'll do with it........or whether I'll even keep it.

The final two are done with long-stitch, not something seen too often anymore.  Again I have no idea what I'll do with these two.


1. For the job interview that is scheduled for Monday the 13th.

2. For the encouragement of finding several job postings that I "fit".