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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

It's a Picnic Blog Hop My Day- July 19th

This month's project used fabrics that I'd bought both as a scrap bag and as  the last remnant of fabric on clearance at my local quilt store.

Cozies were made with fabrics I thought appropriate for picnics.   Now lest you think cozies are only good for hot stuff.....not so!   Here in Phoenix, when it is pushing close to 120 degrees, this is the time of the year to use cozies to help keep your bowls of ice cream cold longer while you eat it....well, unless you really enjoy drinking melted ice cream.  ;-)

First up was this set made with beer themed fabric.   One side was pieced with scraps of 2 different fabrics from a scrap bag bought about a year ago.  The second side was made from a remnant that was bought later. While I don't drink beer, I know lots of people do.  

The second set of cozies were made from a panel that was bought as a remnant in the clearance section of my local quilt store.   The panel was comprised of 8 10 inch squares, so is perfect for cozies. I bought the remnant which was 2 panels, so still have 12 more squares to use for something else.   And I thought the picnic theme was perfect for this blog hop.    The cozies were backed a red Kona that was bought as a remnant.

I'm hoping to sell the cozies at some point.

Don't forget to check out what everyone else during the hop.

1. For good friends who are willing to sacrifice their time (and gas to drive down the mountain) to help me work on cleaning out the house I've inherited.

2. For not having gotten sick in all the work that I've been doing at the house in temps well over 110 degrees.


  1. These are a perfect accessory for a picnic, especially when you live in a hot area. Temps have been crazy high here! I love that fabric, too. Stay healthy and safe cleaning out that house. I've done that kind of thing and it can be a lot of work.

  2. Oh so cute! I especially like the burgers and repurposing of that fabric. Thanks for sharing today about this great picnic project and scraps!

  3. Ice cream cozies!!! Perfect!!!
    I hope you're surviving the heat!!! I hear it's VERY HOT there!

  4. I love cozies for ice cream too! Love the panel squares used. Fun!

  5. Your cozies are lovely. I like the clever match of fabrics to their possible uses. I grew up in L.A. and 120 is not unheard of, but oh my goodness that's high! I hope you're all holding up with HVAC, fans and lots of cold drinks. Please be careful out there. Ice cream with or without cozies is the best antidote to all that heat!

  6. What darling cozies! Those would really be perfect for homemade ice cream, which seems to melt faster than "normal" ice cream! Love the fabrics you used. :)

  7. Love these cozies! They are so cute and practical. The fabrics you chose are perfect!

  8. The perfect fabric to use for bowl cosies.

  9. Cutest cozies ever! Those fabrics are adorable.

  10. Love the cozies and they are so useful.

  11. Oh I love the fabric you chose to make these cozies! They're just perfect for this hop! xx

  12. I had never thought of using cozies to keep cold things, but of course they would work! Do take care inn that extreme heat. I know it’s dry , but that is pretty extreme. Are you high enough that it cools down at sunset, or not? We have been cool all summer, but this week is going to be mid to high 90’s, high sounds wonderful for you in AZ, but here is SD we don’t have AC, so we are freezing ice tubs to put in front of the fans!

  13. Moira, what FUN cozies!! I love the fabric you used! Thanks for sharing.


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