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Tuesday, August 15, 2023

ScrapHappy August 2023

 Lots of time spent working on clearing things out of what had been my dad's house meant not a huge amount time left for me to actually.  I did sneak some in there though.

One of the things I've found in the house are lots and lots of UFO's that my mom had stashed.  These UFO's include needlepoint, crewel, embroidery, and cross-stitch pieces.    Much to my chagrin, some of the UFO's were ones that I had stitched and the apparently abandoned for whatever reason.....oops....

At any rate, I've started working with some of the UFO's I've found at the house,   These two postcards have been completed.   Top one has a faux jeweled trim as the water the fish is swimming in.     All fabrics used in the cards were scraps, and the leaves were ones that had been scavenged at one point.  

Finished 3 more of the scrappy string postcards that I started years ago.  Scrap pieces of lace and trims from my stash finished off the fronts of these, and scraps were used for the backs of the cards.

Third piece of needlepoint, finished off into a postcard.   "Framed" with a piece of polka-dot grosgrain ribbon.

And I finished this little piece of cross-stitch.  This was one of my moms UFO's.   And apparently the second on made by the pattern because she had started using leftover bits of thread for it.   I had to dig in my leftover bits of thread to finish off a couple of the colors as well.  

And for something different, a couple of scrappy UFO's that I found in my mom's stuff this past week - a grandmother's flower garden started at some point by my great-grandmother on my mom's side of the family.  Hand-pieced, but not much put together on this one.   Am debating about what to do with this one.   Might sell because I'd found another one much further along than this one is.

And a tin full of cut squares.   No blocks pieced so I have no idea what was in the cutter's mind.   I'm not even sure if it was my great-grandmother or my mom.   Will likely do something with these at some point in time.

1.  For all the wonderful things that I'm finding as I work in the house.

2.  For the fall being nearer, even if it still hot as blazes here in AZ.


  1. wow what great finds...such precious pieces as keepsakes...

  2. Lots of variety! Are all the squares about the same size? I'm wondering if they were for making hexagons, since I'm not sure what size the hexagons are, either. You are finding so many wonderful things. I love that the MM on the cat could be either you or your mother!


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