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Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Treasure Hunt and Stitching on UFO's

After my Dad's earlier a few months ago I've been working on clearing out some of the stuff there, well actually a lot of the stuff in the house.   I'm finally starting to see some progress after many hundreds of books, lots of clothing, and lots of other things have been donated.  Lots of boxes and bags of clothing type fabric have been among the donations as well.   

There have been quite a few interesting things found which I'll post about at a later date.   But among the first things found was a bunch of UFO's in multiple mediums and in various stages.   These mediums include embroidery, needlepoint, crewel and quilting. And much to my chagrin some of those UFO's while stitched I can remember were originally mine....oops.

I've started working on finishing up some of the embroidery pieces my mom left unfinished.  Several of these only lack a wee bit to finish the stitching on them.  This little doily only needed 2 leaves and a branch stitched.   Why she stopped here, who knows, maybe she ran out of thread.
I pulled as close of a match to the green she had used and finished stitching the leaves and branches to match the other end of the doily.
This little bluebird motif was next up to be worked on.  This piece too had been mostly stitched but not all.  I rummaged in my leftover threads again for a close matches to the original thread.
And here is the finished piece.   Not sure what this one will end up being used for.   Perhaps a postcard, or perhaps in a little quilt of some sort.

1. For a couple of days with temps under 100 degrees thanks to Tropical Storm Hilary

2. For the memories that are there as I'm working through things at the house.

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