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Monday, October 23, 2023

Monster Mash Blog Hop - My Day

 Today is my day to post for the Monster Mash Blog hop.

Octobers theme was "to Sew and share something scary, not scary, or something in between.   If it's Halloween related you know we'll love it!"

I don't normally do Halloween, but when I signed up I was thinking that I could use this hop to get me moving on finishing up a quilt top made several years ago which features blocks made with candy corn fabric.   And what could be more iconic for Halloween than candy corn.   Well we all know what happens to the best laid plans of mice and men...........sigh......that silly quilt top is still hiding from me, so it isn't finished.

Which then left me scrambling this weekend to figure out what I was going to do for the hop.   Serendipity though was at play as I was working on cleaning out more at what had been my parents house when I found an applique kit originally meant to be used on a sweatshirt.  My mom loved cats and collected all things cats, and she had found this at one of the local second hand stores .   

I dug through scrap bins for the background fabric (a civil war repro shirting), the backing (scrap from a commissioned quilt), and the binding which was an odd sized piece of University of Texas licensed print that was the perfect colors to match the applique.    The little wall-hanging is now hanging in my cube at work in honor of my first work anniversary at Arizona State University which is Halloween.

Don't forget to check out the others who are posting today!

Monday October 23



The Morning Latte

Quilted Snail

Just Sew Quilter

1. For the new-to-me 2007 Rav4 with only 52350 miles that I found and was able to buy thereby replacing the equinox which was starting to cost me more money than was worth.

2. For the plans in the making to go visit cousins and longtime friends in Indiana Thanksgiving week this year.  With my dad passing this year, it will be good to be around family and friends who are adopted family.


  1. Oh your cat and pumpkin quilts is so cute. I also have (need) to go through my unfinished projects and try to get to work on them.

  2. I really like your wall hanging! Thanks for sharing it. Safe travels to Indiana and back!

  3. Now that little kitty is just so sweet looking and bound to bring a little smile to everyone's face, who see's him in your work cubical. Congrats on your upcoming anniversary!

  4. What a great treasure you cute! Working and digging through your parent's house must take most of your time, but I'm glad you managed to find, finish, and share that cute cat. Thank you!

  5. Such a cute mini! Perfect for Halloween!

  6. Great wall hanging! Your kitty and pumpkin are so cute.

  7. very cute moira and congrats on the anniversary!

  8. I love your kitty wallhanging. My condolences on the loss of your father. I hope your Thanksgiving plans bring you much joy.

  9. That was a year that passed fast! The wall hanging is cute as can be, not scary, but definitely Halloween! This year, Your Thanksgiving time will be spent differently, but I know you will all be missing your dad. Good you can take the time to go be with family and friends.

  10. What a terrific find. Love that you were able to find and complete it and have such a wonderful place to hang it

  11. The pumpkin and cat hanging is great for Halloween! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Cute cat and pumpkin! Great project!


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