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Friday, December 15, 2023

ScrapHappy - December 2023

 Welcome everyone to ScrapHappy day when we post about what we are doing with scraps.

I'm hoping going to be able to move into my dad's house at some point in the first quarter of next year.   And trying to think ahead for that move, I decided I really needed to get rid of some of the accumulated boxes and fabric I'd kept from the last several t-shirt quilts I'd made.  I'd kept sleeves and backs with the intention of turning the extra fabric into donation quilts..........never happened.   

In the cleaning out of the t-shirt leftovers, I also found the sleeves of several denim shirts that were leftover from a commission done early in the year.  All were long sleeves so I had lots of fabric to work with.  I cut them up into 5" squares and then paired them with 2 sets of novelty print 5" charms that I'd cut from scraps in my stash years ago.   Haven't decided what I'm going to do with these yet, and they will get quilted at some point.
2nd top made from the novelty charms and the denim scraps.

Don't forget to check out what everyone has done this month - 

1. For a smooth & easy claim process on an unknown life insurance policy.

2. For the time of fellowship and rest that I had on my trip to Indiana to visit with longtime friends over Thanksgiving.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange Blog Hop - My Day

This month's challenge was "Tell us about your Christmas traditions.  Show off your Christmas decorations/tree.  Spill your funny Christmas stories.   If it's about Christmas, we want to hear about it.  Recipes are optional.   Share or not."

And don't forget to check out everyone else posting today.



Ms P Designs USA

Quilt Doodle Designs

Quilted Snail

Sew Many Yarns

Just Sew Quilter

The Life of Grammy

I'm not one who does a lot of baking, ok, any at all if I'm being honest.  I have made a couple of cakes that I love in the past, but cookies have never really been on a to-do list for me.

However, over the years I've made a lot of my gifts.   This year has been no different.   I did, however, do so with the theme of making an ornament for everyone.   I made up Mill Hill beaded ornaments, chosen to fit what each person likes.  For the most part these were cross-stitched and beaded on perforated paper, and then backed with wool felt.   1/8th ribbon was used to make a hanging loop for them.

This little mermaid was from a free chart found on Pinterest and was made for an adopted niece who is into mermaids at this time.

The remaining ornaments made were from Mill Hill kits.

These are for a mixture of friends in Indiana, Idaho and Phoenix.

Snowflakes are for a friend in Indiana, the other two for friends here in Phoenix.

More were made, but the friends they are for read my blog and I want them to be surprised when they get them, so I'm not posting them here.  =)