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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

ScrapHappy - May 2024

 Welcome to ScrapHappy!   I'm glad to have you stop by and see what I've been doing with scraps this month.    Also don't forget to check out what the others have been doing as well.

KateGun, EvaSue, Lynda, Birthe, Turid, Tracy, JanMoira, SandraChrisAlysClaireJeanDawnGwen, Sunny, Kjerstin, Sue L,  Vera, Ann, Dawn2, Carol,  Preeti, VivKarrin, Amo, AlissaLynn, Tierney and Hannah

First up, this month I used up most of the remaining novelty print rectangles.  The only ones left are those that are directional prints.  Border print used was the leftover fabric from a long ago scrub top.

The strips at an angle made from cotton single fold bias tape from my stash. I plan on donating this top.

Next up was finishing this top.  The center part had been finished for a couple of years.   I pulled a remnant of fabric from my stash to use for the striped border.   The yellow perfectly matched the yellow used in the center of the quilt.  A leftover pieced of white was cut into the white cornerstones of the border.   This will be donated.
My hand project this month, in memory of a dear friend (Susan N.) who passed away the end of April, was to start working on this square again.  Pieced with scraps from my CQ fabric stash (linens, silks, batiks, and specialty cottons), this top was started as a way to finally finish up a favorite piece of cross-stitch.  I'd gotten the left-hand tree done with an owl charm added this month, flowering vine around the kitten, and the big branch at the top.  First up was finishing the leaves with scraps of embroidery floss, and beading the hanging clusters of flowers with some of the many beads that I have.  Leftover bits from the left tree had me adding a tree branch at the bottom with a birds nest that I added 2 fresh water pearls to as eggs.  Final bit to be added has been decided for that bottom right corner.  This will be also used as my project for a blog hop in June with a bird theme. Hence the additions so far, with more to come.
While not my piecing, I couldn't resist posting pics of the next two quilts that were found in a box in the garage this month as I was working with my girlfriend to get things underway out there.   I think they were pieced by my mom, but with a mixture of scraps from her mom and her own scraps.   They are double sided, no batting.   Fabric is all polyester and finish out to a double size.
And finally, lots of scrap is being generated as the work at the house I inherited last year gets underway.   Kitchen counters has been dismantled and all the scrap is waiting to be hauled off.  Pantry shelves have been taken down, next up is the ruined drywall (old water damage in there) and removing the floor tiles in this area.   Bathrooms are then on the horizon for remediation as well.
1. Work on the house is finally underway.   Lord willing I'll be able to live in the house by the end of June without too many surprises along the way.

2. For another round of commissions that will help pay for extra goodies that aren't in the budget presently.


  1. I am so sorry to hear that Susan has died but your piece in her memory is lovely.

  2. Love the memorial piece for Susan, may she rest in peace. I bet she's organising all the Saints up there for a quilt project... She'll be missed.

  3. grogrous fabric scraps, and good luck with the house make-over!

  4. what wonderful finds! no doubt they will be dear heirlooms for years to come...great news about the house...what a blessing that is! i love your little project in memory of your friend..glad to see all appears to be going well at present...

  5. Doesn´t it feel great when old UFO:s are finally finished?! Sorry for the lost of your friend.


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