Yes, those piles are taller than I am and it's about 9 ft from the stack of boxes to the outside wall of the bedroom.
I've started a couple of small projects when I'm back at the house where I'm staying with a new friend. Both are table mats that will be gifts. This one is being made with fairy fabric by Michael Miller fabrics for the gal I've been staying with. She loves fairies so this was perfect for her.
After many trips to donate books, clothing, clothing fabric and all sorts of other things, this is what it looks like as of this afternoon.... The floor is empty all the way back to where the blue and white box is.....a distance of about 5 ft deep........... going thru all of this really does make me want to keep my stuff under control!

1. For actually being able to see visible progress in getting thru things that my mom had, and making the house safer for my dad.
Good gratitudes. Good progress on your mom's bedroom. Every picture I see of the work you are doing makes me think about my stuff, too. =) And the boys' things stored in the garage. It keeps getting worse and worse!
Moira, what a huge task, but wow, you made progress! Is your dad moving from Tennesse, or is he also in Texas. I’ll be praying for the job interview tomorrow.
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