"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11 (NIV)

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

It's a Jungle Blog Hop - My Day


This months challenge is - Animals, plants, trees...what's in your jungle?  

My Jungle starts with this quilt top that I put together a couple of months ago.  The only problem is that I'm stalled on what I want to do for borders on the top and right sides   I've plenty of leopard prints left, and of course lots of COC's to use.....Just can't decide what I want.   Only thing I do know is that I want an asymmetrical layout to the quilt, so will only do a 6" border.

The blocks were some from a long ago fav fabric sway where I sent out leopard and tiger prints.   The panel was bought about 10 yrs later.
I really had to work to finish up this quilt top after 2 eye surgeries in the space of 3 weeks and what has turned out to be almost 2 weeks of face-down or on my right side.   With only 15 minutes up out of every hour it's hard to get much done other than making necessary trips when I actually rememebered to get up.   However, once  I started feeling better I did realize that even 10-15 minutes sewing time would make progress.   Thankfully I only needed to finish 3 blocks for the bottom border, then attach both top and bottom borders....phew!

Details - 
8 pieced blocks from the same fav fabric swap the ones above came from.  Scraps used to make the remaining blocks.  Panel used was bought at the same time as the leopard (about 2 yrs ago).

Fabrics leftover from the 2 quilts so far.   Some of teh stack on the right will be used as the remaining border for the first top.   Then, may piece bindings or make another quilt with the remaining ones....who knows 

1. For good retina specialists thru the last month, 2 surgeries, and what has seemed to be unending downtime.   Here's hoping I don't fall into the 5% that need a 3rd surgery to get the repair to finally last.

2. For insurance paying for the surgeries (even if they are balking at the cost of a prescription eye drop)

Thursday, August 15, 2024

ScrapHappy - August 2024

 It's been one of those months for me.   Just when I thought that my eye was recovering well from surgery in July, I found out it wasn't and thus was scheduled for a 2nd surgery.   This second surgery resulted in 5 more days face/side down, a visit to the doc, and then another wk down.....sigh........and what I thought of as no sewing.   But then I started thinking of what I can manage to do with the 15 minutes I'm allowed up each hour.   So thanks to having precut pieces, I've been able to get the six alternate blocks I needed to make the bottom and top borders for a quilt in progress.

Another 15-min period or two and I hopefully will have them added to the quilt.  =)

The final bit of scrap usage is this pillow - It is a piece of foam that I'd bought to make a cushion for my car seat to help my dad.   Made the cushion from part of it, but that didn't work out.   So I rolled it up and taped it together.   Then added the cut-off sleeves from one of the many t-shirts that have been used in customer quilts over the last year to hold everything together.   And this week I realized that this roll is perfect for me to lay on while on my side recovering from the surgery.   It allows me to keep my glasses on so I can still see the phone, the laptop monitor or read my kindle.   Just need to add two more sleeves to finish covering the foam.   Won't be donating it after all. =)

1.  For docs that move fast when it comes to saving eyesight and insurance that pays for it.

2. For friends who are there to help as they can thru times like this.