Thankfully I did manage to get a little bit of quilting time in there as well, part commissioned, and part for a contest submission. The first quilty thing I managed to get completed were these two 14" quilted pillow covers. They went to a friend down in Indy.
The second thing I managed to get done in my quilting and quilt designing was an entry into the Modern Quilts "Traditional blocks made modern" contest. The Red, Blue and Cream block below is my first take on making my design. For this contest you have to take the traditional block that they post, and make a new block for it in a modern design. Traditional block this month was Flying Geese. In addition you have to use only Michael Miller fabrics because they are one of the cosponsors of the contest. Prizes are great in it and i'm hoping to win at least part of the time. Winner will be chosen by the public votes and the other blocks can be seen by going to the Modern Quilts Challenge Website. Voting will run from the 11th to 14th of August. Will be posting a reminder on the 11th and hoping that my cyber friends can help me win by voting. =)

It can be seen on the link for the Modern Quilts Website and scrolling to the second page (at least as of right now). My block is cream and teals Fairy Frost fabrics.
All of the work that I've been doing this summer hasn't been just to survive for a change, thankfully the school contract is paid yr round. So all that I made this summer has gone into paying off bills and Lord willing I'll be able to continue making progress on the bills in the future.
One of the things that i've done to help me keep focused the goal of being debt free sometime in my lifetime, is to make an adult version of a "Paint-by-Number". Each petal on my paint-by-number represents $50 of debt (and nope this isn't all there is), and each flower a debt. Since the first of the summer I've been able to pay off 2 cards totally, and 20% of a third one. That last one has been transferred to an interest free option that will save me over $1000 of interest over the next 18 months. So thankful to be able to do that. And by the end of this week when I get my second DE payment I'll be able to make a huge payment on one of the debts above.
Gratitudes -
1. the Skype interview for a better teaching position went well Thursday and they want me to fly up there to Rawlings WY to check out the area.
2. For endurance and strength to get through the long days of working 3 jobs now that school is back in session in order to continue to pay the bills off.
What a hopeful positive way to represent eliminating debt. I am glad you are so positive about your situation and wish you nothing but the very best to come out on top.
I love seeing those little flower petals colored in! Hoping you win in the contest. Soon you're going to be grading papers - if you aren't already.
Where will you be teaching this year? What do you teach? Our schools have started. Love the Circle flying geese. Pattern available or all in your head. You are so talented.
moira, so glad to see you are doing well....keep the faith, i have worked 3 jobs at a time before and it isn't for the fainthearted at all! the visual you have created is super and will really keep you focused i believe. i too am on a strict budget, paying bills and getting in shape financially for the possibility of not finding a job when i is fun to be frugal!
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