Have still be working on getting pincushions made for Pay-It-Forward gifts that I need to get made and into the mail. The two that I finished yesterday were made from scraps and orphan block sections. The purple one will be headed off to a new home once I pick up mailing envelopes.
The orange one may end up living with me for a while because I really like how it turned out. I made up the pattern I used for it and I'm considering making it into a bigger size and using it as the basis for a quilt. That'll be a while down the road tho because I won't have time to do anything like that for a while. I have one more pincushion to make for a Pay-It-Forward gift and have pulled another orphan block for that. I plan to sew it up today and then everything will be ready to mail off to their new homes. =)

In student teaching this past semester I ended up having 3 prep periods. A lot of the time I used those periods to not only get ready for the classes that I was teaching, in addition to working on my homework, but all to refresh my skills in making things from wood. I knew that there was a possibility that I could end up having to teach a wood shop/materials processes type of class and my skills have pretty much line dormant since way back in junior high except for one class here at Purdue. The main wood used in both was red oak. Also used was poplar (in the bottom box) and small amounts of black walnut, white oak, and cherry in the top box.
My enjoyment in working with wood as I've been working with these boxes is but one of the things that has confirmed I'm teaching what I should be. =) I've even thought about in the future about getting some tools so that I can make more stuff......lol.....or maybe I just need to find someone who already has it all that will let me use the stuff.
1. for the abilities and enjoyment that God has given me in making things - both quilted and in other mediums.
2. For a prof who is willing to work with me so that I can complete both his class this summer and still take the 2-wk training class that I need to take for the teaching position that I've offered.