I finished up one UFO that had been in progress this year - a set of BOM blocks that I made using block patterns from the BOM on my Quilted Snail website. I started making the blocks as a part of a group of friends from a yahoo group that I am in called QuiltChicks. I wanted to use up a set of FQ's in Halloween colors that I had inherited from an online friend 8 yrs or so ago. I used a candy corn print as the common fabric in all of the blocks. I had finished the blocks yesterday, but then ran into a momentary block because I couldn't decide what color to use as the sashing between the blocks. I'd initially thought that I would sash them in white, but once I laid them out I realized that wasn't going to work. Ended up going to bed thinking about it and by the time I work up this morning I had decided to use a bright lime green stripe as the sashing. Cornerstones are more of the candy corn print. The middle border is the final bits of the 5 different FQ's that I used in the quilt. Am happy with how the quilt turned out. Haven't decided if I'll donate this one or quilt it and see if I can sell it. Colors in the quilt are much brighter than in the pic above.

The problem is that I need to add more width to the quilt before adding more to the length. So I'm thinking I need to just add the blocks to the sides of the quilt. there is a small size variation between the blocks so I will border them with more muslin and then trim them to a final size (probably about 5" or 5.5") so that they are all the same. Then will sew them together and the strips to the quilt. Once this one is finished, I already have the perfect fabric for backing because I found the coordinating yardage in my stash this morning when I was looking for something else. This one will likely be a donation quilt for Sunshine Quilts. Or I may send it to the ministry to single moms that a friend of mine in Phoenix is the executive director of.
Next up to work on though is to prep 4 more blocks from the pumpkin BOM that has been a UFO for way too may years and finish getting stuff ready for the quilt retreat I'm headed to this next weekend. I also need to start thinking about what I want to donate for a silent auction for the building fund at the church I attended in Garland. Need to go through the ones I've already got finished up to see if I have something finished that will work.
Gratitudes -
1. My niece graduated from AIT for the Army Reserve and is headed home. And I get to see her abnd her mom tomorrow when they'll stay overnite with me. =)
2. For God's provision of all that I need even when funds are tighter than I'd like them to be.