The school year finished up a week ago, time truly is flying these days. The last weeks of school after returning from surgery were a zoo as I tried to get caught up and ahead. Never did manage to get ahead of things but I did get everything caught up and finished for the year.

The top for the mystery quilt is finished and I'll be sharing that in a separate post. Also finished off four quilt tops for Sunshine Quilts before school was out.
The first two tops were made from some left over scraps that were in various pastels with white polka dots and pastel gingham prints. I used a yellow and white chevron as a background fabric for both of these. Not my usual choice of fabrics, but they were scraps leftover from a mystery quilt I had made several yrs ago and are now gone!.
The third top that I made was from a fabric remnant that I'd bought at Joann's. The fabric is a novelty print and has lots of old-time superhero action words printed on it. You know the type that the original Batman show would have when the action was happening like - Super, Zoom, Wow, Snap, and so on. Bright colors in and one I think a little boy will like. I used solid red and yellow to make the alternating blocks and the borders. Quilt pattern was an adaptation of one that I saw either in an email or on the interet, but can't remember where at the moment.

The final quilt top for sunshine started with 5 blocks that I recieved back as a part of a challenge I gave to the Sunshine group I'm a part of. Using a FQ that I supplied several people on the list made blocks and sent them back to me to put together into tops. Gail H. was the quilter who made and sent me the lovely blocks in this quilt top. I set the center block on a tilt to add interest to the quilt. The chevron alternating blocks are half-square triangle blocks. The fabric that shows like a gold in the pic is actually orange and yellow and a lot brighter than the pic shows. The focus fabric has lime green dancing alligators on it.

The final thing that i've been working this past week is a stack of 16 commissioned scrub tops. Have now completed 8 of the 16 (4 fabrics out of 8 fabrics total, two tops from each). Still to come are winter Snoopies, poinsettias, Christmas cows and leprechuans. My aim is to get those done and into the mail this week so that I can move onto the remaining commissioned stuff that has been cut out for over a year now (as have the scrub tops) and to slip in some fun sewing as well.
Have also finished up the requirements for Drivers Ed Instructor training and am now pulling together the paperwork needed for the submission packet that goes to the state for certification. Hoping to have certification back by the end of June so that I can start teaching and making some extra money to help pay the bills off.
Also yet to do this summer is to buckle down and look for a better paying job so that I don't have to work 3 jobs once school starts back up in order to pay the bills.
Gratitudes -
1. It's summer vacation! So I'm only working 2 jobs for the next 7 weeks till school starts back up (the store and the commissioned sewing).
2. God's provisions for all that I need financially, health-wise, and job-wise