Welcome to Scrap Happy Day where we post about the scrappy projects we've worked on over the past month.
Be sure to check out what everyone else has done with their scraps this month - Kate, Eva, Sue, Lynda, Birthe, Turid, Tracy, Jan, Moira, Sandra, Chris, Alys, Claire, Jean, Dawn, Gwen, Sunny, Kjerstin, SueL, Vera, Ann, Dawn2, Carol, Preeti, Viv, Karrin, Amo, Alissa, Tierney, and Hannah
On a trip back home from visiting with a friend in northern Arizona, I stopped by a Goodwill store. And while there found a couple of bags with novelty prints that had been sewn into what looked like were meant to be handles or straps. Bought one of them (and now wish I'd gotten both of them!). Unpicked all of the seams and found that the original strips are 4 1/2 inches wide by about 16+ inches long. I've sorted them by prints and there were 9 different themes to the prints.And these boxes, filled with yardage, remnants, and a few scraps of fabric, were donated a couple of weeks ago to a couple of groups that make all sorts of things for foster kids. A small dent was made in the stash with this going out.