"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11 (NIV)

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Angels are Done, The Angels are Done....

.....And with that allusion to Paul Revere's ride, I am happy to say that I was able to finish using up the remainder of the angel swap blocks that I had. Pictures are below. I'm going to keep one of the quilt tops as a headstart on the next time I need a gift for a baby girl, but the rest will be going to Sunshine Quilts.

1. For a mortgage company that is willing to work with me, even though they are aggressive in pursuing foreclosure.
2. For a God who has a plan for my life and is not surprised by anything that happens.


Rebekah said...

Ooooooh, the angels are lovely... I especially like the bottom right-hand one, with the green and pink colors...absolutely lovely. :)

P.S. By the way, did Mom tell you that we're going to be making two more baby quilts (1 a boy, the other we're not sure yet) before the summer??!!

Regina said...

I loved our gratitudes you listed. God is certainly good :)

cityquilter grace said...

your angels are adorable, moira, and so glad there is promising news on the job front. as much as i dislike (no, really hate) my job, it's work and a steady paycheck, which makes ALL my creditors happy for sure (meaning, rent, util, car ins etc)....hope something materializes out of this and a buyer for your house shows up....you sounds like you have WAY more faith than I do....