Yesterday I made the remaining string blocks needed to finish up the quilt top for American Heroes. Today I added the rows at the top and bottom of the quilt. Only had to frog-stitch one full row and part of another to get it right.
Then I made a couple of English flag blocks for my London tea towel quilt. The picture is fuzzy because the camera just didn't want to cooperate with me today. Blocks are basted down to gridded interfacing in a temp layout. Still under consideration for blocks are the ubiquitous London phone booth, a Beefeater guard from the Tower of London, a Guard from Buckingham Palace, and London Street blocks. Meandering through the quilt will be the River Thames. On the river I want to put an applique version of the tour boats similar to what I was on when I was there. Flag blocks were made with ribbon and raw edge applique.
1. God's gift of eternal life through His Only Son.
2. God's provisions for me.
The RWB quilt looks really good, and the London one sounds like fun. Awaiting the tour boat!
Perfect additions to lengthen the star. Looks wonderful. I love what you are doing with your tea towel. I've stalled out. I'll get going again soon.
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