This weekend was the UFO weekend for one of my online groups and I chose to work on my London Tea Towel quilt. It has been waiting patiently for me to finish the final few blocks needed to fill the holes in it and put it together. Didn't quite get it all together, but only have the top row of blocks to go and the top will be together.
Made two blocks to fill in holes - top one uses more of the fabric that I bought in London when I was there in 1997. The flying geese uses pieces of the fabric that I was sent by a blog reader who lives in London.

After adding a few strips here and there of either a print fabric or one of the cream fabrics to fill-in gaps, I started sewing blocks together. At this point all but the top row is together and everything attached together.

I still have one hole to fill. Am debating between more flying geese, a checkerboard of squares, Both of which would be on a cream tonal background. Or perhaps playing around with either pinwheels or the London Roads quilt block to see what works. Depending on the size of the pieces in whatever I do, I may try to use more of the scraps that were given to me. What I don't use on the front will end up framing the lable on the back of the quilt when I make it.
Also still to be decided on is whether or not to put border on the quilt. I'm leaning towards adding one as a 'frame' for the quilt but haven't decided anything yet. Any ideas?
And the final project that I worked on this weekend was making three blocks for the Quilter's Garden swap that I've been in. The pair of blocks on the right side will be swapped. Still need to hand-sew beads onto the top of the pins, but haven't dug out the beads I need yet. The other two I will be keeping. Still need to make the one block (quilt shop) that I did not get made to swap so i can have it in my wallhanging.
1. Feeling much better after 10 days on the antibiotic.
2. Heat in the house works well in the current frigid weather.