"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11 (NIV)

Friday, April 15, 2022

Scrap-Happy April 2022

 I thought I hadn't done a lot of sewing/quilting this month until I started looking back at the photos I'd taken.  As it turns out I had done more than I thought.  

First up was this cover for the arm on a wheelchair that has a joy stick on it.  My friend wanted something that would help protect it from spills, so I made one side with clear vinyl.  The leopard print is scraps from a piece of stretch twill and the vinyl was a remnant. Velcro was from the stash.
A set of 16 bowl cozies was finished up and shipped out.  All fabrics were from scraps and remnants.  Batting in them were from left over pieces from prior projects.

First up this month were a set of three cozies made from the left over fabric from a prior order. 

Then a wee bit of actual quilting work for myself - I made a set of 6 swap blocks for a swap with a theme of cups.   The fabric I used for the cup was a larger scrap that I'd had for years without getting anything made from it.  The background WOW fabric was taken from a remnant in the stash.  

And this picture shows the cup blocks I received back from the swap laid out on my design wall in my new place.  The center block with the coffee pot and vase is an older UFO block I made 7+ years ago when doing some pattern testing for a designer in Europe.   I still need to make two more cup blocks to finish the planned layout for the quilt.  More WOW scraps will be used to sash the blocks into the proper size and orientation.   I hope to show that progress next month....maybe....lol.
Made a pincushion for a friend who likes lighthouses using a crystal candleholder.  This is how it looked last night after I thought the glue had set.  Fabric was out of my CQ scraps and is a pretty blue with metallic gold accents.
And this morning when I got up....lol.   The glue is set now, but needless to say I need glue that sets much faster so this won't happen again.  I still plan to send it to my friend because it is still usable, even if a little funky looking.....lol.
And the second pincushion for another friend.   Fabric was a 5" square piece of batik that I'd set aside for CQ work many yrs ago.   

Check out what everyone else has been doing this month.

1.  I'm moved into the new-to-me place and slowly getting settled in.

2.  The contract job is going well and has been extended out to 6 months from 3.