This month lots of prep work was happening with scraps for the most part.
First up was taking a lot of strips and short bits of leftover binding and making prairie points for more blocks.
Next up was cutting up my black on white fabs into the backgrounds for the two sets of blocks I have in progress.
Then it was time to prep the remainder of the prints I need for the circles in the circle quilt. More brights and novelty prints have been found as I've been going through fabrics in the stash to downsize. They'll show up at a later time.
Last in the prepping realm was taking three pieces of leftover cotton batting (yes, with cotton scrim) and cutting 9.5" squares for bowl cozies out of it.
Thanks to having the strips and prairie points prepped I was able to get another 16 of these blocks completed. That makes a total of 33 blocks made so far. I'm doing a 7 by 9 block setting so I need 63 total, leaving me with another 30 blocks still to be made for the quilt.Check out what everyone else has done this month -
Birthe, Turid, Susan, Cathy, Tracy, Jill,
Jan, Moira, Sandra, Chris, Alys,
Claire, Jean, Jon, Dawn, Jule, Gwen,
Sunny, Kjerstin, Sue L, Vera,
Nanette, Ann, Dawn 2, Carol,
Preeti, Debbierose, Nóilin and Viv