"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11 (NIV)

Thursday, May 23, 2024

On the Road Again Blog Hop - My Day

 May 23

This month's challenge was to make a project that shows travel vehicles of any kind.
Planes, trains, automobiles, bikes, trucks, tractors, or whatever gets us
from one place to another. Use your creative imagination to show us ways to travel.
Or, make a project showing a place to travel to.
The options on this challenge are pretty open...you can do it!

Here are the one's posting today - 

For my quilt, I started with a pieced panel that I had found in a barrel of scraps back at a local quilt store that was close to where I lived for a while.  This panel had two appliqued trucks on it.   The panel was cute, but I then struggled to figure out what to do with it.  

Several years ago and in a different state and many quilt stores later, I found a couple of cute fabrics with all sorts of traffic signs in a could of colorways.    I inserted the panel into the one yard piece of the yellow background.

Final top was pieced in a 3" cross-hatch pattern.   This is the first time I've almost done a whole cloth quilt. Not something I would normally do, but for this project seemed to be what was called for.
The grey background print, I used for the main backing fabric and used a solid grey to piece it out to the right size.

Don't forget to check out what everyone else has shared with us today.

Gratitudes -

1. Remediation work is underway at the house, with restoration starting as soon as cabinets can be ordered and built!

2. For a job that is willing to work with employees having health issues.


Gail said...

What a clever way to use the panel! It looks great!

Carol said...

That's a cute truck panel and a nice way to finish it off. Thanks for sharing.

Calicojoan said...

What a great way to use that panel. The road sign fabric is perfect!

Carol Swift said...

The panel made a great whole cloth quilt and that gray fabric is definitely "on the road." It turned out really cute! Good luck with your home restorations and thank you for sharing, Moira!

Karrin Hurd said...

Great use of the fabrics Moira! Thanks so much for sharing!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Cute quilt that will be sure to bring many smiles and cuddles.

LJ said...

LJ here. What cute, cute fabric - I love all the road signs on the gray. How neat that you remembered the panel you've had; it couldn't have worked out better.

tink's mom said...

What a great use of a panel, it makes for a sweet quilt. The backing fabric was a great choice. Nice job all the way around.

Sharon said...

Your quilt is lots of fun! Thanks for sharing.