My plan for the finished quilt was that it would go to American Hero Quilts when finished. The fav fabric that I sent out is the red floral print that is in each block. I asked that everyone use a COC or cream for the background and then add a coordinate to it.
In order to make it big enough I'm setting the blocks on point, and am making a total of 4 extra blocks. I plan on sashing the blocks and making cornerstones from the scraps of the red print that was sent back with completed blocks. I'll dig out a COC from my stash for the setting triangles. I may "fancy" up the setting triangles by putting in a red square in the inside corner of them. Final border will be more of the red print, with possibly a navy inner border.
Am still debating on what color to make the sashing. Had thought of using a COC there so that the blocks would 'float' in the quilt. But if I do that then would I want the red cornerstones? Or do I use something like a gold or a lighter shade of blue for the sashing? So I still have decisions to make on it. But I'm getting closer to getting this one together and being ready to send off.
1. Warmer weather is coming this week or next!
2. School is going to longer days to make up part of the days that we've missed due to weather so that we don't have to teach into June.
This is going to be a beautiful QOV quilt! I know about making up snow days...like my seniors are going to come back to school after they graduated LOL NOT!! Grades already have to be in, so what do I do with my juniors?? The joys of teaching a self-contained special ed class, we learned how to pack boxes full of books and whatnot so the classroom could be cleaned during the summer! I was so lucky to have wonderful students!
I don't know how complicated you want to get on the setting, but what if you didn't put just a square? Maybe a square in a square with red triangles. Maybe put red triangles on the strip ends so it makes a star with cream cornerstones. Maybe just pinwheels (though that's small pinwheels!) or four patches. I think something there rather than plain cream all around, but the idea of solid square doesn't seem to fit the lovely blocks. You knew I'd have an opinion!
The blocks look great together. Nice swap partners!
I have seen floating blocks and floating cornerstones, so that could work. (Not the kind of thing I can tell in the abstract--i'd have to see it laid out.) I also think light blue sashing could work.
That will be beautiful!!
That will be beautiful!!
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