Fall break was this week for the school that I teach in and was much enjoyed. I've been able to get some much needed rest, both physically and for the vocal cords. Am hoping that will hold true when I go back to school on Monday and have to start lecturing again.

Did manage to get some sewing done over the last few days after a quick flying trip to the Indy area to visit with one of my best friends and her family. Have been working with my UFO's and scraps, all things that I can do w/o a lot of thought going into the designs.
First top completed with a childs quilt that was made from the leftover strip sets from a quilt that I finished after a friend passed away several years ago. this will be donated to Sunshine Quilts.
Next to be worked on was sorting and putting away the mounds of scraps that had accumulated over the last several months. The piles were about 15 inches tall and needless to say weren't exactly stable....lol. These are now sorted, and put away in the correct bags of scraps.
In putting away the multitude of scraps I realized that I was running out of room for them in the two giant totes of them that I have. So I pulled out the two bags of 30's repro's that I have and started working with them. I started by pulling the two sections of strip sets that I had. By frog-stitching I made them into 9 centers for blocks. I then added strips to either side of the sets using solids that were in the bags. After putting the 9 resulting blocks together I added a solid purple border (from stash!).

And then just because I'm no good at resisting starting a new project when I see a pic of one that I like, I took a strip of some of the other fabrics in the 30's scraps and started making stair step blocks. I added a pale yellow solid cotton to the prints. I've finished 9 of these blocks and have them together (altho only 6 of them are shown here). Still need to decide on what i want to do for the border. This quilt will also be going to Sunshine Quilts.
i'm also trying to figure out what to do to cover up a torn spot on one of the center blocks in the birdhouse quilts. And I also need to get the borders onto those quilts. Once that is done then I'll have enough done up to send of for someone else to quilt for Sunshine.
Gratitudes -
1, While not fully over the crud that i've been fighting I am finally feeling better.
2. 9 weeks till Christmas vacation! lol