The scraps are sorted by color and are in ziploc bags. Most common are gallon sized bags, but there are quite a number of 2-gallon and quart sized ones as well.
The 30's prints that I've been working to use up were in 1 qt bag (full, all green prints) and a qallon sized bag that was about half full (pink, purple and a couple of solids). I've been able to work through enough of them with the three quilt tops that I've finished to get them down to a single quart sized bag.
With that kind of results, I'm afraid to even think about how many quilts are there in those two totes.....much less the rest of my extensive stash. I need to get sewing! Or else start sorting through and selling off what I don't want, and I am starting to do that now buy getting ready to bust my stash of 30's prints. Plaids will probably be the next category after that.
1. My voice is holding up for the most part this week at school even though I'm still fighting laryngitis.
2. For others who are willing to quilt the tops that I get made for charity.
No, I wasn't wondering! LOL Your scraps are so organized. Mine are in drawers by size, sort of, and then in kleenex boxes, and then in a big tote ... and on the floor and the cutting table. No wonder you get more done than I do!
I love this post because it is so "ME". We definitely get bored with a small fabric pallet.
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