"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11 (NIV)

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

To-Do list, September 16, 2020

And life continues on for me.......looking now to find job #4

Completions for the last few weeks -

  1. Keep up with blocks for this years F2F swap. - All are now complete.  Just waiting for the ok to mail them.
  2. Owl Quilt for TK, 50" by 70" - Completed and delivered
  3. Mask orders - stayed current on orders
  4. First memory bear - Completed
  5. Mystery Quilt - Blocks thru July completed
  6. Fabric Listing - First pass of precuts and  kits listed and sold
  7. Get purse made for CN for grad present - Finished and mailed out, should be there by 
  8. Find place to donate clothing fabric - Done and donated to Goodwill, 120 yds gone!

Goals for the next week or two -
  1. Mystery Quilt - Make August block
  2. make one or two of the setting blocks for the mystery quilt and write up pattern for it
  3. stay up to-date on the mask orders
  4. Sort and  list more fabrics for sale
  5. UFO Alphabet quilt #4 - Basted, ready to quilt
  6. Make design boards for SN

Commission To-do's for rest of September -
  1. T-shirt quilt for TA from her Dad's t-shirts
  2. Memory bear #2 for TA from dad's shirts
  3. Make the 5 commissioned Scrabble pillows
  4. Start cutting fabrics for commissioned Queen-sized quilt, 224 - 6.5" squares needed
  5. Pick-up fabric for memory lap quilt and discuss design for it.

Current For Sale projects & Commissions -
  1. Pincushions for sale - make and list
  2. Scrappy Tan/Blue quilt for KM
  3. Memory quilt for MF
  4. Pug quilt for TK, 50" by 70"
  5. T-Shirt quilt for CA from his shirts
  6. T-shirt quilt for CA from her shirts
  7. Scrappy Purse for sale
  8. List Kids quilts for sale

2020 gifts -
  1. Pillowcase(s) for triangle support pillow for PN - For Christmas
  2. Cat pillowcases for MM
  3. Dog pillowcases for HM
  4. Mini cardinal wall-hanging for SR
  5. Farmers Market wall-hanging for LT

Possible Future Commissions-
  1. T-shirt Quilt for friend in an online group (no due date, waiting for shirts and specs)
  2. T-shirt quilt for a friend at church (no due date, waiting for shirts, specs)
  3. Memory quilt for MR
Possible Commissions/Sales-
  1. Airplane quilt - need to make sample blocks before getting back with friend to see if she's interested
  2. Music Quilt - long time possibility....rumblings about it happening again - Designed, waiting on down payment
  3. Teddy Bear Quilt - This needs to be quilted (either for the original order or sold to someone else)
  4. Quilt tops that are for sale (Wolf + more)
Other projects that need to be done -
  1. List items for sale on Ebay or other fitting site
  2. Prep t-shirts for my own t-shirt quilt - t-shirts are all together (and have been for several yrs) but need to prep them
  3. Downsize quilting fabric stash - Started, lots more to go thru
  4. Get website set up so that I can sell what I'm making and my quilts - started need to finish
  5. Continue looking for and applying for new, paying jobs
  6. Find a PT job to help with income at this point

1. For friends who helped me take the quilt frame & mid-arm down so I sell them

2. For the encouragement of friends

Monday, September 14, 2020

ScrapHappy September 2020 - A Belated Graduation Gift

 Lots of scraps were used in this month's project, and most of them large ones that were left over from other projects that I know longer remember what were.  In the case of the print - I had a piece that was about 2 yds long by 20+ inches wide.  My niece chose the print, and I picked the yellows to go with it because that is her fav color.  all fabrics other than the print were batiks.

Back of the purse, blocks were paper-pieced.  Batik was used for the adjustable strap.
Front of the purse.  Extra blocks used for a small pocket, large pocket strip pieced.
Top flap using two more of the blocks.
Lining was more of the print.  

I did the lining like I do for Christmas stockings which meant that I did not have to try to bind any edges on the flap or top edge of the front.
inside of the purse - final block used for a pocket on one side, scrap used for a pocket on the opposite side.

Check out what everyone else has done this month:
KateGun, TittiHeléneEvaSue, Lynn, Lynda, Birthe, Turid, Susan, 


1. For seasonal hiring starting that will hopefully let me bring a little income in w/o getting too exhausted from working 4 jobs
2. For friends who are willing to help me take the quilting frame down so I can sell it to help pay the bill