"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11 (NIV)

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas 2025 Wrap-Up

 Once again, the majority of my gifts this year were made by me.  Making my gifts keeps my thoughts and prayers on the person they are for as I'm working.   A blessing to me as I'm so far away from family these days.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

ScrapHappy - December 2024

 Welcome to ScrapHappy day!

Everyone has been busy working on their projects. Be sure to check out what everyone else has done with their scraps this month - KateGun, EvaSue, Lynda, Birthe, Turid, Tracy, JanMoira, SandraChrisAlysClaireJeanDawnGwen, Sunny, Kjerstin, SueL,  Vera, Ann, Dawn2, Carol,  Preeti, VivKarrin, Amo, AlissaTierney 
and Hannah

First project this month was to use up the wee bit quilted fabric that I'd had leftover from the potholders I'd made last month.   I first added backing made from the leftover binding from a mini wall-hanging that I've got in progress.  
Next up was trimming to 4 inches and cutting the strip into 2 pieces at 1/3 of the width.   I then sewed the smaller piece on the end of one side.

Next step was to sew a button on and then zig-zagged around the edges.  I then sew the side and bottoms together.
Final little gift card case looks like this.   I ended up sewing a different button on, and used stretch elastic for the button loop.

Next up was making something to go on top of a 12" by 16" cutting board so that I can use it to set hot pans on when taking them out of the oven.  The cutting board has feet to will keep the pans (like a cake pan) away from the new countertops which are formica.   

To that end I took a piece of "created" fabric made from all the trimmings from a couple of commissioned quilts and after bordering it with more of the Grunge dots used in the potholders last month.

I then too a piece of ironing board material that I'd gotten as a remnant from Joann's and quilted the two together and bound with more of the grunge dots.  Finished size is 12" by 16" and it can be used with either side up.  And even managed to perfectly match dots as I sewed the binding ends together.

The final scrappy project for month was to sew the remaining bit's from the potholders together and then border them out to 9" cut to start on blocks for a scrappy quilt.   Border strips were scraps from another quilt, and a remnant will be used to add more blocks as I have bits leftover from other projects.   This is likely to be a long-term project so it needs to find a tote to reside in.  =)


1. the vision in my left eye is getting better (went from 20/400 to 20/250 at the latest appt).   Looking forward to getting the cataract removed, hopefully sooner than later, so that I can see clearly again.

2. The work on the house is almost done for this present round.   I'm looking forward to being able to move in sooner than later......I hope.   Had hoped for Christmas, but it's looking more like January is more realistic.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Gnome for Thanksgiving Blog hop - My Day


Welcome to my day on the Gnome for Thanksgiving blog hop.

I had fun with this challenge.   Debated on what I wanted to do, but then I saw these wooden plaques at Dollar Tree and since I've been known to make a pattern from most anything, just couldn't resist getting them.  I used the one on the right as inspiration for this challenge, but i'm thinking I need to make patterns from the other two plaques soon.

And I'd like to introduce 'Sven the Gnome' to you.  Sven is on his way to see his girlfriend Greta and is taking a poinsettia to her.   

Background fabric, backing and binding were from a remnants and scraps I had in my stash.

His body, face and hat were all out of the bag of prefused scraps (yes, it's pretty much unending....I don't toss much out).  

His beard is made from 1.667 yards of fringed, cotton trim from Joann's (only 12 inches left from a 2 yd spool of it!).   The trim is top-stitched on with a stretch zigzag stitch.  One of the little tassels from the trim is sewn onto the tip of his cap.

The poinsettia bloom is a silk flower from my stash of flowers and is held on with a wooden button.  

Finished size is about 10 by 12 inches and was made for display at work should I ever make it back there before Christmas.   

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Friday, November 15, 2024

ScrapHappy - November 2024

 Welcome to ScrapHappy day!

Everyone has been busy working on their projects. Be sure to check out what everyone else has done with their scraps this month - KateGun, EvaSue, Lynda, Birthe, Turid, Tracy, JanMoira, SandraChrisAlysClaireJeanDawnGwen, Sunny, Kjerstin, SueL,  Vera, Ann, Dawn2, Carol,  Preeti, VivKarrin, Amo, AlissaTierney and Hannah

My project this month wasn't a big one, but I'm happy with it.  I started to clean up my cutting table which is piled high at the moment, and in doing so found these scraps I'd had leftover after finishing up a gift last Christmas.   These had been leftover after making an insulated lunch tote last year.  I just couldn't see throwing the fabric/insulbrite scraps out.

Step 1 was to piece together to form this large piece fabric.   Step 2 was then to quilt a enough backing for 3 potholders that were approximately 8.5" by 11" in size.
Assembling the potholders was next.   These are for me and the teal is perfect with the accent color I've chosen for the kitchen in my house that hopefully by Christmas I'll be able to live in!
And the backs of the potholders.  Fabric was from a remnant, and the binding was from another remnant.

1. Countertops are finally in progress (after 9 wks of delay!) and should be finished by the 18th of Nov.   Still waiting to find out installation date.

3. Pantry is wonderful and filling up nicely as I slowly move things from the mobile to the house.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Something Wicked Halloween Blog hop - My Day


Today's the day that I get to post about my project.  I don't normally end up doing a lot of decorating for Halloween, but I do love the colors of the season and pumpkins.   

I made this mini wall-hanging for my cubicle at work (well, whenever my eye heals enough that I can make it back to the office, sigh).   All fabrics were from my stash of scraps, and the pumpkin fabrics were even pre-fused and left over from a pumpkin BOM that I made years ago.  

The flowers were from a couple of spring season floral picks that I picked up from Joann Fabrics.  The batik used for the background and binding was leftover from another project.   Backing was also from the scrap tote under my cutting table.

This was a little wall-hanging I made years ago to have something up for the days from Halloween and Thanskgiving.

This was a BOM quilt that I finished several years ago.   The pumpkins were designed to fit each month of the year, and yes there is a jack-o-lantern in it.

 I tweaked the header panel from the original.   And after having it completed for several year without ever using it, I ended up selling it to a friend who then gifted it to her DIL who loves pumpkins.

Don't forget to check out what others have posted today - 


Quilt Schmilt

Selina Quilts

Karrin’s Crazy World



1. Final big piece of the remodel at the house is underway (flooring in several areas).  Still waiting on countertops and a repair to the garage door though and some final bits and pieces.

2. Temps are cooling down here!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

ScrapHappy October 2024

Welcome to ScrapHappy day.  Be sure to check out what everyone else has done with their scraps this month - 

KateGun, EvaSue, Lynda, Birthe, Turid, Tracy, JanMoira, SandraChrisAlysClaireJeanDawnGwen, Sunny, Kjerstin, SueL,  Vera, Ann, Dawn2, Carol,  Preeti, VivKarrin, Amo, AlissaLynn, Tierney and Hannah

This month I managed to get the remaining jumbo flying geese blocks made and sewn together.  Top finished up at 40" by 50".  I'm debating about adding 2 more FG blocks to make it 60" long.   Need to see how many blocks I have left and think about the final design first thought. 

1. Bubble in the eye is gone and I've been approved to get the cataract removed.   Hoping that happens sooner than later and helps to improve my vision.

2. The weather finally seems to be cooling down a wee bit here in the southwest where it's been running at record high temps the last month.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Bee Kind Blog Hop - My Day

The Challenge: September is the time to remember that a little kindness goes a long way.   Share your "kind" projects.  Your favorite charity project, a free online pattern or anything that shows you spread a little kindness, everywhere you go.   The Bee's are an important part of life as well, and we all need to be kind to them too!  This makes this hop the perfect place to share your Bee Quilts!

And don't forget to check out what everyone has posted for today - 

Tuesday Sept 24

Patchouli Moon Studio

Quilted Snail

Quilt Schmilt

Quilted Delights

Hazels Daughter

Over the last few months I've been able to work on a number of things meant to spread a little kindness. 

First up is this momma bear and cubs quilt that I made for a sweet friend.   When I saw the panel while on a shop hop with a friend up in Prescott AZ, it just called out to me that it needed to go to my friend who loves bears.  I've known my friend for many years now, but she has been such a help and encouragement over the last 3+ years as I've dealt with all that has come from both of my parents passing away in those years.   I'd been wanting to do something special as thanks to her and this just had to be.

And yes, those are her legs there as she holds the finished quilt....lol.
One of the things I've been working on sewing up this year are the trimmed scraps that I was given by a dear friend.  The scraps had been in the stash of her MIL who was one of the sweetest people I've been blessed to know.  I was blessed to call her Grandma V and have her as an adopted Grandma.   

A couple of years ago I had finished 5 lap quilts - 1 each for her two living sons, and 1 each for three grandkids.   I let my friends husband (grandma V's son).   These 5 did not dent the amount of trimmed scraps that I had.  So this year I started making more tops from them - and so far have made 6 more tops this year.  

This first one also used up a big piece of solid color that was in the box I was given.   The quilts below have had WOW and COC scraps added for the settings, but the rest are all out of the scraps.  I've managed to finish off the 2.5", 3.5", and 4.5" cut squares.   Still have a lot of 6.5" squares to use yet (at least enough for 2 or 3 lap quilts), but am thinking of how I want to set them because I'm trying not to duplicate settings.   

Once totally finished, I'll give all of them to my friends to decide who to give them to.

This one the red plaid was also added along with the WOW in the 6 patch blocks.  

I've started the next memory quilt using the 6.5" cut squares and am making scrappy flying geese blocks.   The blocks finish at roughly 20" by 10" so it won't take many to make a lap quilt.   If I add a border, I figure I'll only need to make 9 more blocks.   Will still have leftover squares for yet another quilt from the inherited stash.


1. Seeing progress in the rebuild at the house......I might actually get to move in before Christmas this year....sigh

2, For the healing in my retina....even if there's still a ways to go AND now there's a cataract that has to be dealt with at some point so that I can see properly again.