If you watch the quilts that I make, you'll notice that they are generally "multi-fabric" quilts.....aka scrap quilts. And I freely admit that I basically have to be forced to make quilts that only use one or two, maybe three, fabrics is all in them. They are boring to me to say the least. As a result, I tend to keep all the scraps that I make while sewing.......along with buying scrap bags when I see interesting looking scrap bins at quilt stores.
A couple of examples of my 'multi-fabric' quilts - the first being the wedding quilt I made for my nephew. There was something like 80 different greens and that many creams for the background.
Because I pp'd the blocks I ended up with a lot of bonus triangles that I made into HST's. Those HST's were then put into the quilt below. All of the remaining background fabrics that went into the quilt came from the fabric that I'd had left over from the wedding quilt. So I ended up with two quilts for the price of one.

In the last two rounds of row-by-row hopping I ended up with 3 bags of scraps - two the size that a quilt pattern would be in, and the third one a sandwich baggie size. One of my quilting buddies will attest to how much I can pack into a bag.....
The two larger bags are shown as they were packed, or better described stuffed. =) Yes, I've learned that if you neatly fold and/or roll them that you get a lot more into the bags than most people do.
These first two bags were mainly repros and a Kona cotton solid green that was precut into squares. there are 21 squares so that is a good start of a quilt. The bulk of the remaining fabrics were large pieces of repros. Some pieces were even fat-eight's and fat-quarters. Most of what I got were reds, blues and shirtings. there were a few purple, black, and green pieces.

The sandwich baggie ended up with lots of smaller pieces and an eagle panel that will be the start of a quilt, maybe one for American Heroes.
All in all, lots of fun stuff to play with in the future here. Now to decide what next to work on.
1. The edema I've been fighting is much better thanks to starting to walk.
2. Have help coming tomorrow after church to get things moved out to the storage room. =)