"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11 (NIV)

Monday, December 28, 2020

Found Treasures


I've been helping my parents start decluttering their house this past week.   Much has gone into the trash and recycling bins, and there's much more to go thru.   But some of what my mom was getting rid of was the cross-stitch stuff that she had gotten over the years, well at least what she had found at this point.   And of course I said I'd take them, altho I won't be keeping all of it.

First piece was this Christmas stocking that was complete except for the back stitch around the bottom most figure and lamb.  That has now been completed.

This kit as in the pile, stitching was started.  Not sure if I'll keep it or send it to a friend that does cross-stitch.

This bell-pull is completely stitched and just needs to be finished off.
And found this sampler celebrating my maternal grandparents wedding anniversary.    I'm not sure who made this.  I do plan to finish it into a little wall-hanging.

And these two "new" kits were found.  The one on the left is a card kit, and the one on the right is a depiction of Jerusalem.   As of right now both of these will be going into my stash of kits.

1. For making progress in getting thru things at the house

2. For the beautiful weather here in the Phoenix weather while I've been out here.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Cross-Stitch Finishes

 Two little cross-stitch UFO's have been finished in the last couple of days.   These two will end up in either quilted postcards or mug rugs at some point.


1. For unemployment being approved.

2. For encouragement from friends in the job hunt.

Final Commissions for 2020

 4 quilts finished off my commissioned work for this year.

Queen sized planned scrappy - 41 different fabrics used in making the quilt.  Approximate finished size 90" by 108" finished size.

Lap quilt for the grand-daughter of a church friend.  All fabrics were supplied and had originally been used by my friend to make clothes for her grand-daughter.  There were quilting cottons, poly-cotton solids, corduroy, and flannels in the fabrics.

54" square finished size. 
T-shirt quilt for the son of a friend.  All fabrics in the top and binding from my stash.  Approximately 60" by 80" in size.
T-shirt quilt for the daughter of a friend.  All added fabrics in the top and backing were from stash.   Binding was made from leftover binding strips.  Approximately 60" by 90" finished size.


1. For all of the commissioned work this year

2. For the commissions that are starting to come in for next year

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

2020 Year-End Recap

 Lots of sewing and quilting went on this year.   

670 Masks made and delivered, with about 30 more made for market but not sold

11 Quilts - 
most lap or large lap quilts and one queen
Finished 3 stockings for a customer
3 quilted wall hangings
4 purses, 3 as gifts and 1 to be listed for sale

27+ blocks for an international block swap

15 Bowl Cozies, including figuring how to size them to fit any size bowl

41 postcards
14 quilted postcards
12 block boards
1 embellished t-shirt
1 pillowcase for a support pillow
2 memory bears
6 pillows

Phew.....lots of work in all that, mostly for commissions and gifts.   It'll be interesting to see what 2021 brings in the way of commissioned work (3 already in the queue for January) and hopefully a bit more for me.

1. For all of the commissioned work this year that helped pay the bills when there was no income from the FT job

2. For the blessings of being able to connect with distant friends over zoom that this year brought

Friday, December 18, 2020

Unexpected Blessings in the Midst of Stressful Days


The past 10 days have brought a number of unexpected blessings in the midst of a lot of stress at work.  

First up from my secret prayer sister from church was this selection of FQ's, chocolates, and an ornament which I didn't get a picture of.
From the ladies ministry group at church came this wonderful package as an encouragement after a rough year.   In it was some moose munch, hot chocolate, a mug, hand soap, cookies, a candle and a gift card for Walmart.
From my quilting friend Edi came a wonderful package filled with lots of goodies.   First up was a stocking and tree skirt panel featuring holly and cardinals.   Perfect to make up for a friend who loves cardinals.   And fabric and pattern to make a cute stuffed giraffe and needle minder.
A cute snail pin cushion, a totally cute snail fabric that I didn't have in my stash and new scissors.
And finally in the package were a crocheted wash cloth, a darling gnome, a tea towel, a sweet little wall-hanging that is hanging by my sewing machine, and  santa ornament.

Not pictured are the two gift cards from Panera and Joann's (can you say, someone knows me well?) that I also received from an anonymous friend.


1. For unexpected blessings

2. For the knowledge that God will provide for my needs as I navigate being laid off and finding another job.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Scrap-Happy December 2020

 Lots of scrappy quilting going on this month.   

First up was this commissioned memory quilt.    I ended up with this setting because I could feature the 4 different really light prints as the stars amidst the remaining scraps.  This quilt finished out at 54" square.  Fabrics in it include poly-cotton solids, corduroys, denims, a knit, and quilting cottons.  

Binding for the quilt was made from the larger pieces that were left after cutting the squares for the quilt top.

the backing was made from 3 large width-of-fabric scraps and a long chunk of a 4th fabric to make the needed width.

And in the midst of all the commissioned sewing that I need to get finished up before the middle of December, I got distracted by a "squirrel" and decided to take part in a Quilt-a-Long using the Everything Goes pattern by These Creative Hands.  

I do have to admit tho I'm doing my own twist on the pattern because I'm using larger squares to start the blocks off (5" cut) that I had cut years ago while making alphabet themed novelty charm square packs.  

I'm currently a little more than half way through getting the blocks for the quilt make.

To see what the others have been doing this month, click on the links below:

1. For the example of the widow and her flagon of oil that never ran dry throughout the drought and how God is working that same scenario out in my lfe.

2. For the coming trip to Phx

Friday, November 13, 2020

Scrap-Happy November 2020

Not a huge month for working with scraps because of other commitments, but I did get a little done.

First up was getting this UFO quilt top finished up.    The blocks had been made with the leftover scraps from cutting up fabrics for charm squares representing all letters of the alphabet.

The WOW sashing and cornerstones were out of the multitudes of scraps that I have.   And I used up some of the binding scraps that I've managed to collect for the scrappy binding.

This purse started with the trimmings and scraps from a T-shirt quilt that I just finished up a couple of weeks ago.   Colors that had been requested were black/grey.      To go with the scraps, I pulled a remnant of a duck cloth type upholstery in grey and cream.   And a chevron print cotton for the lining.

To see what the others have been doing this month, click on the links below:

1. For zoom meetings that let me stay in touch with friends in other states

2. For having found a place where I can donate cottons that I don't want anymore where they will be used for quilts for foster kids.


Saturday, October 24, 2020

To-Do's - October 24, 2020

Time keeps marching on towards the end of the year.   Truly does seem to go faster the older I get.   Lots going on outside of the commissioned work to keep the stress level up, but working on the to-do list helps keep it somewhat down.

Completions for the last couple of weeks -

  1. 3 large lap quilts (2 commissions and 1 UFO) - basted and ready for finishing
  2. Christmas 2020 - Purse (red/black) for TA - finished
  3. Pick-up fabric for memory lap quilt - done
  4. T-shirt quilt for TA from her Dad's t-shirts - Completed
  5. Christmas 2020 - Purse (printed denim/blues) for PN - Completed
  6. Order for 5 fitted masks with custom logo's - Completed and delivered

Goals for the rest of October and first week of November -
  1. Make design boards for SN's friend - boards on hand for these
  2. T-Shirt quilt for CA from his shirts - quilted, ready to bind
  3. Pug quilt for TK, 50" by 70" - quilted, ready to bind
  4. stay up to-date on the mask orders
  5. Sort and  list more fabrics for sale
  6. Finish Scrappy Purse, greys/cream/blacks for sale - in Process
  7. UFO Alphabet quilt #4 - Quilted, ready to bind
  8. Sunshine FQ challenge quilt - quilted, ready for binding
  9. Christmas 2020 - Nativity panel quilt for TA - quilted ready for binding
  10. List pulled sets of precut squares, panels, and yardage for sale
Commission To-do's for November-
  1. Design layout options for memory quilt for MF and send to her for feedback
  2. Scrappy Tan/cream/lt brown quilt for KM - Add border, then finish
  3. Memory quilt for MF - Have fabrics, need to figure out setting
  4. T-shirt quilt for CA from her shirts - Coordinating colors chosen (reds/pinks)

Current For Sale projects & Commissions -
  1. Purses for sale
  2. List Kids quilts for sale

2020 gifts -
  1. Christmas 2020 - Pillowcase(s) for triangle support pillow for PN - For Christmas
  2. Christmas 2020 - Embellished t-shirt for MM
  3. Christmas 2020 - Cat pillowcases for MM
  4. Christmas 2020 - Dog pillowcases for HM
  5. Christmas 2020 - Farmers Market wall-hanging for LT - top fused, ready for stitching
  6. Christmas 2020 - Gift for DN - order from Amazon

Future Commissions-
  1. 8 memory bears for SW
Possible Commissions/Sales-
  1. Teddy Bear Quilt - This needs to be quilted (either for the original order or sold to someone else)
  2. Quilt tops that are for sale (Wolf + more)
  3. T-shirt Quilt for friend in an online group (no due date, waiting for shirts and specs)
  4. T-shirt quilt for a CS (church friend, no due date, waiting for shirts, specs)
  5. Memory quilt for MR
  6. Purse - with "DREAM" panel
Other projects that need to be done -
  1. List antique thread chest for sale
  2. Prep t-shirts for my own t-shirt quilt - t-shirts are all together (and have been for several yrs) but need to prep them
  3. Downsize quilting fabric stash - Started, lots more to go thru
  4. Get website set up so that I can sell what I'm making and my quilts - started need to finish
  5. Continue looking for and applying for new, paying jobs
  6. Find a PT job to help with income at this point
  7. Catch up on mystery Quilt
Miscellaneous - 
  1. Continue with job hunt - here or AZ needs to be thought about and decided on
  2. Figure out what I need to do with the house

1. For the roof over my head and food in the pantry/frig

2. For my 401F.... ;-)

Friday, October 23, 2020

Fabric for a Stashbuster

One of the quilt lists that I've been on for years on is Stashbusters.   And the group was set up with the aim that most of us quilters need to use and/or downsize our fabric stashes.   

I try to keep mine fairly well sorted so I know where to look for something when I need it.   So when a fellow stashbuster said she was looking for a red fabric with "Jesus Loves Me" printed in metallic gold, I knew the fabric she wanted and exactly where to look for it.    Net result is that it'll be finding a new home with her and that's another almost 8 yds out of my stash this year.  =)


1. some small signs of progress in the possible sale of the company I work for

2. For still being able to pay my bills this month.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Scrap-Happy October 2020 - Christmas Gifts

 Lots of scrappy goodness has been happening around here this month as I've worked on getting a couple of Christmas gifts made up.  This month was all about purses for a couple of friends.

First purse - will be headed east to my friend P.   Her favorite color is blue, hence the colors used in this purse.  The main fabric in the purse is seen here in the flap is from a printed denim remnant that I found in looking for something else. 
Back of purse showing the tie-dyed effect of the denim.

Did buy a 1/4 yd of fabric for the strap because I couldn't find the right color in my stash to work with the blue of the denim.
Front of purse with scrappy pocket.  Button from the stash.
inside of purse, lining was from another remnant piece of fabric.
Second purse, going to my friend TA.  Color options given were black with red, teal or fuchsia.....well this red and black fabric is what I found in my stash to use as the main part of the purse.  It was by Kona Bay fabrics, and technically wasn't a scrap, but I know it has been an end of bolt when I bought it so close enough for me.   

Button was from a stash of buttons that I bought several years ago for about 90% off.....can't beat that when the original price was $12 for one button!
Inside - lining was made from a remnant of a civil war repro that measured at 58" wide, not sure where I found that one or when for that matter.  One pocket was string-pieced, the other from a larger scrap of fabric.
Front of the purse with the pieced pocket made from red and black scraps

To see what the others are doing this month click on the links below:

1. For the answers I know that God will give as I pray about what to with in regards to my house.

2. For God's provision and all the ways that comes in.

Monday, October 5, 2020

September Catch-Up

 Lots got accomplished in September, well at least commission-wise and for gifts.  One of these days I might end up with something for me, but not anytime soon.

3 blocks for the mystery Christmas quilt
Belated grad gift made and mailed off 
First Christmas gift made
5 Custom scrabble pillows made
Masks -
37 made/sold between custom orders and market sales

6 block boards for a friend
1 test bowl cozy as I worked out how to make them for rectangular dishes.  Now I know how to figure how to make them for 9 by 13 inch pans.

1. For the remote hope of things improving with the company sale possibility

2. For the wonderful cool fall weather.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

To-do's - October 5, 2020

 Hard to believe that it is already October, where has this year gone?

Completions for the last couple of weeks -

  1. Write Pattern for my setting block for mystery quilt - written and sent to blog reader who requested it
  2. Make design boards for SN - Completed and delivered
  3. Mask orders - stayed current on orders
  4. Memory bears for TA - Both are completed 
  5. Memory Pillow for TA - Completed
  6. Mystery Quilt - Blocks thru July completed
  7. Fabric Listing - 14 yds worth of FQ' sold, more fabrics pulled and ready to list
  8. Christmas 2020 - Mini cardinal wall-hanging for SR - Completed
  9. Christmas 2020 - Purse (printed denim/blues) for PN - Completed
  10. Nolting list for sale - Listed and sold
  11. Start cutting fabrics for commissioned Queen-sized quilt, 224 - 6.5" squares needed - done
  12. 22 Masks completed for market
  13. Make the 5 commissioned Scrabble pillows - finished and ready to deliver

Goals for the October -
  1. Mystery Quilt - Make August block
  2. make one or two of the setting blocks for the mystery quilt and write up pattern for it
  3. stay up to-date on the mask orders
  4. Sort and  list more fabrics for sale
  5. Quilt alphabet quilt that is basted
  6. UFO Alphabet quilt #4 - Basted, ready to quilt

Commission To-do's for rest of October-
  1. Order for 5 fitted masks with custom logo's - logos have been painted, ready to sew
  2. T-shirt quilt for TA from her Dad's t-shirts - Quilted and binding ready to be sewn down
  3. Design layout options for memory quilt for MF and send to her for feedback
  4. Scrappy Tan/cream/lt brown quilt for KM - Sewing of the top has begun, 3 rows of 16 are together.
  5. Pick-up fabric for memory lap quilt and discuss design for it.

Current For Sale projects & Commissions -
  1. Memory quilt for MF - Have fabrics, need to figure out setting
  2. Pug quilt for TK, 50" by 70" - Have fabrics
  3. T-Shirt quilt for CA from his shirts - Coordinating fabrics pulled (blacks/greys)
  4. T-shirt quilt for CA from her shirts - Coordinating colors chosen (reds/pinks)
  5. Scrappy Purse for sale
  6. List Kids quilts for sale

2020 gifts -
  1. Christmas 2020 - Pillowcase(s) for triangle support pillow for PN - For Christmas
  2. Christmas 2020 - Embellished t-shirt for MM
  3. Christmas 2020 - Cat pillowcases for MM
  4. Christmas 2020 - Dog pillowcases for HM
  5. Christmas 2020 - Nativity panel quilt for TA
  6. Christmas 2020 - Purse (red/black) for TA - focus fabric pulled
  7. Christmas 2020 - Farmers Market wall-hanging for LT
  8. Christmas 2020 - Gift for DN

Future Commissions-
  1. 8 memory bears for SW
Possible Commissions/Sales-
  1. Teddy Bear Quilt - This needs to be quilted (either for the original order or sold to someone else)
  2. Quilt tops that are for sale (Wolf + more)
  3. T-shirt Quilt for friend in an online group (no due date, waiting for shirts and specs)
  4. T-shirt quilt for a CS (church friend, no due date, waiting for shirts, specs)
  5. Memory quilt for MR
Other projects that need to be done -
  1. List antique thread chest for sale
  2. Prep t-shirts for my own t-shirt quilt - t-shirts are all together (and have been for several yrs) but need to prep them
  3. Downsize quilting fabric stash - Started, lots more to go thru
  4. Get website set up so that I can sell what I'm making and my quilts - started need to finish
  5. Continue looking for and applying for new, paying jobs
  6. Find a PT job to help with income at this point

1. For the cooler fall weather

2. For just now having skeeter bites at the end of the season

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

To-Do list, September 16, 2020

And life continues on for me.......looking now to find job #4

Completions for the last few weeks -

  1. Keep up with blocks for this years F2F swap. - All are now complete.  Just waiting for the ok to mail them.
  2. Owl Quilt for TK, 50" by 70" - Completed and delivered
  3. Mask orders - stayed current on orders
  4. First memory bear - Completed
  5. Mystery Quilt - Blocks thru July completed
  6. Fabric Listing - First pass of precuts and  kits listed and sold
  7. Get purse made for CN for grad present - Finished and mailed out, should be there by 
  8. Find place to donate clothing fabric - Done and donated to Goodwill, 120 yds gone!

Goals for the next week or two -
  1. Mystery Quilt - Make August block
  2. make one or two of the setting blocks for the mystery quilt and write up pattern for it
  3. stay up to-date on the mask orders
  4. Sort and  list more fabrics for sale
  5. UFO Alphabet quilt #4 - Basted, ready to quilt
  6. Make design boards for SN

Commission To-do's for rest of September -
  1. T-shirt quilt for TA from her Dad's t-shirts
  2. Memory bear #2 for TA from dad's shirts
  3. Make the 5 commissioned Scrabble pillows
  4. Start cutting fabrics for commissioned Queen-sized quilt, 224 - 6.5" squares needed
  5. Pick-up fabric for memory lap quilt and discuss design for it.

Current For Sale projects & Commissions -
  1. Pincushions for sale - make and list
  2. Scrappy Tan/Blue quilt for KM
  3. Memory quilt for MF
  4. Pug quilt for TK, 50" by 70"
  5. T-Shirt quilt for CA from his shirts
  6. T-shirt quilt for CA from her shirts
  7. Scrappy Purse for sale
  8. List Kids quilts for sale

2020 gifts -
  1. Pillowcase(s) for triangle support pillow for PN - For Christmas
  2. Cat pillowcases for MM
  3. Dog pillowcases for HM
  4. Mini cardinal wall-hanging for SR
  5. Farmers Market wall-hanging for LT

Possible Future Commissions-
  1. T-shirt Quilt for friend in an online group (no due date, waiting for shirts and specs)
  2. T-shirt quilt for a friend at church (no due date, waiting for shirts, specs)
  3. Memory quilt for MR
Possible Commissions/Sales-
  1. Airplane quilt - need to make sample blocks before getting back with friend to see if she's interested
  2. Music Quilt - long time possibility....rumblings about it happening again - Designed, waiting on down payment
  3. Teddy Bear Quilt - This needs to be quilted (either for the original order or sold to someone else)
  4. Quilt tops that are for sale (Wolf + more)
Other projects that need to be done -
  1. List items for sale on Ebay or other fitting site
  2. Prep t-shirts for my own t-shirt quilt - t-shirts are all together (and have been for several yrs) but need to prep them
  3. Downsize quilting fabric stash - Started, lots more to go thru
  4. Get website set up so that I can sell what I'm making and my quilts - started need to finish
  5. Continue looking for and applying for new, paying jobs
  6. Find a PT job to help with income at this point

1. For friends who helped me take the quilt frame & mid-arm down so I sell them

2. For the encouragement of friends

Monday, September 14, 2020

ScrapHappy September 2020 - A Belated Graduation Gift

 Lots of scraps were used in this month's project, and most of them large ones that were left over from other projects that I know longer remember what were.  In the case of the print - I had a piece that was about 2 yds long by 20+ inches wide.  My niece chose the print, and I picked the yellows to go with it because that is her fav color.  all fabrics other than the print were batiks.

Back of the purse, blocks were paper-pieced.  Batik was used for the adjustable strap.
Front of the purse.  Extra blocks used for a small pocket, large pocket strip pieced.
Top flap using two more of the blocks.
Lining was more of the print.  

I did the lining like I do for Christmas stockings which meant that I did not have to try to bind any edges on the flap or top edge of the front.
inside of the purse - final block used for a pocket on one side, scrap used for a pocket on the opposite side.

Check out what everyone else has done this month:
KateGun, TittiHeléneEvaSue, Lynn, Lynda, Birthe, Turid, Susan, 


1. For seasonal hiring starting that will hopefully let me bring a little income in w/o getting too exhausted from working 4 jobs
2. For friends who are willing to help me take the quilting frame down so I can sell it to help pay the bill