Every once in a blue moon I actually make something for me, something that I won't consider selling. And this new project is one of those projects. 39 years or so ago I inherited some wonderful hankies from my paternal Grandmother. In the years since then they moved around with me lots of times and to multiple states, but I've never decided what to do with them......until this year. I finally decided that it is time for me to make something for myself, while working on other paying projects or donations.

So I will be making a hankie butterfly quilt for myself. At this point I'm thinking it will be 9 blocks, plus a border of some sort. The first block is pinned and ready for me to stitch the hankie down. I still haven't decided if that will be by machine buttonhole, or by hand.
I've pulled 12 hankies out to work from (have a few more plain ones),
The one at the bottom right is actually a little towel, so it won't work as a butterfly. I'm thinking of doing something along the lines of this
hankie dress block or this
second hankie dress block.
I might even end up making dress blocks out of the two with the crocheted sections on the corners. Or maybe I'll do something different with them.....still to be decided.
The pics to the side and below show close ups of the hankies I've pulled out to work with.
1. For the loving Grandparents on both sides of the family that I was blessed to know growing up.

2. For all of my family and those friends who are like family to me, near and far.