Orphan block shells on these three, top two are dark purple and dark green moda marbles for the shells.

And most of the fabrics in the shell of the bottom snail are the final leftovers from a raffle quilt that I made years ago from blocks made by group members of an internet quilting group that I've been a part of for about 22 yrs now. We used to get together in person once a year. And the year that these were from the GT was in Sacramento CA. The gal who won was a good friend and always a blast to be with. She passed away maybe 10 yrs ago and is still missed. Good memories in this block.
Ornament balls filled with denim strips and bits that were too small to be used for anything other than thrown in the trash.
6 tree ornaments made from denim scraps. Trunks are little pieces from one of the seams on the overalls.
1. Leg is feeling better after the workout of dealing with 8 1/2 stories (17 flights) of stairs and a fire drill at work Friday afternoon.
2. For the first signs of spring - the green leaves on the trees, the grass needing to be mowed, and even the weeds that seem to make up a large part of the yard.
You certainly know how to use every last scrap of those overalls!! Your snails are looking great. It is always fun to incorporate fabrics that mean something to you in a current project.
Love the snails . . . Bright, colorful, happy. Great progress!!
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