So the disaster zone that my sewing "room" had become finally got to me this week and I had to deal with the scraps that were all over creation in it........

First up was sorting thru and putting away all of the scraps which had multiplied around my sewing area............the piles NOT in bags were from my scrap bins under my cutting table, the bags were scraps that I'd bought a few weeks ago and probably a couple of months ago........sigh......
And yes, there was still more to be dealt with in a bag....
Got it all sorted out and put into the proper ziplocs and in the scrap totes.....well sorta at any rate. Top two large totes here are filled with scraps, the smaller one (new!) is filled and there are 5 ziploc bags that don't have a home, plus a stack of larger chunks of scraps.........sigh, I need to sew faster.

Now lest you think I never get rid of any scraps, you'd be wrong. It hasn't been that long since I sent a bunch to my friend Susan. And when I was putting away things this round, I also too the time to go through all I had and sorted out all of this. That is 1 full 2 gallon ziploc, and 6 1-gallon bags. Over 14 pounds of scraps total. Mainly strips of various sizes but there are also some larger chunks and hunks in there.
Now to figure out what to do with them....sell or ?????
1. For the blessings of a couple of financial gifts from my church family in the last couple of weeks, esp. as I head into week 8 of not being paid at work.
2. For the blessing of the many commissions that God has opened the door for this year, including the newest one.