The thought being I would embellish the quilt, and extend it with piecing to reach the challenge size.

In addition, because the fabric is heavier than i normally work with it is very slow going and it took about 20 minutes to do just the little bit that is done. Definitely don't have enough time to do this with everything else.
So I think this one is going to have to wait.
The hotel that I stayed in over night Friday had this motif in it and it struck a cord with me. So I might use this as a starting point for something or go in a totally different direction.
1. Seeing lots of friends at church today
2. Beautiful weather here in phx
Moira, from what I can see of your design, I think it would look great with thread painting. You could use a variegated thread to get lots of color and doing it on the machine would be easier than by hand. I am sure it will be beautiful no matter what you do.
The panel is gorgeous. I am sure you'll find a fantastic way to embellish it. I am glad to know that I am not the only one that has found inspiration for projects and/or color palettes for projects in hotel decor...or anywhere decor for that matter. Whenever something catches my eye, I snap a picture. Happy sewing! -Andrea
That hotel has a great decor for inspiration!! I'm sorry you are having issues with your first choice for the quilt. That is definitely frustrating!
Thinner thread? Sharper needle? The carpet has a good foundation, though.
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