I made progress on a couple of fronts and found new/old projects to start or restart as well......although not as much as I might have wanted to make, but that is the way thing go at times..

First up was finishing this passport wallet. It was to be the last of the commissioned ones, but the gal doesn't think the coordinating fabric works well with the wolf fabric. So I'll be remaking it and using black Kona for the coordinating fabric.
Will end up listing this one for sale.
Outside shown here.

And the inside of the wallet where you can see the coordinating fabric better.

I then got distracted by the state of things and started going through things in the craft room and the fabric room. As I worked on condensing and emptying totes, one of the things that I found was this piece. The strips had been leftover from a long ago project and I'm not sure now what I was going to do with it.
However, I've decided to make a snack mat out of it, but think it needs some sort of applique scene on it. Not sure what though, anyone have an idea?

And this next UFO project that was found in my stash as I went thru stuff this past weekend started with a reminder of it when I saw this fabric on eQUilter.com.
I love it and would love to use it for the backing on my London Tea Towel wallhanging.........however, I just can't see buying more fabric (even with the gift cert. that would at least pay for shipping) just because I love it.
My London Tea Towel quilt. Started with a challenge to use a tea towel to make a quilt. I bought a souvenir tea towel on ebay and then designed blocks to be added to it to showcase fabrics I had bought while in London back in 1997.
It has been aging since making it several yrs ago and is time to get it quilted.
I already own this fabric, so will most likely use this for the backing of the above quilt rather than buying more. And this really does tie in better with the quilt top.
The final new start over the weekend was a new design that will be submitted to
Make Modern digital quilt magazine for possible publication.
These blocks (more than 100 of the string batik blocks, and two 3D bowtie blocks) have been in my UFO block totes since at least when I was in Lafayette....and that has been almost 10 yrs now. Time to use them!
I've a new design sketched out and have started making the remaining 3D bowtie blocks that I need to complete it. I've made about 22 blocks and need about 3 times that many more. Precut squares of assorted WOW's are being used for the backgrounds, and assorted precut scrap batik squares are the centers.
The design is a modern interpretation/layout of traditional blocks.
1. I love rain, but am thankful for all the sunshine these last few days after all the rain that we've had.
2. For the blessings of my church small group and their prayers.