I'm slot to think about things when designing at times, and sometimes use more pieces than needed to get the look that I'm going after. From this first block which was done in 3" finished squares and HST's for the entire block.
To this one which I started using a 4" finished square instead of what would have been 2" finished squares to make the largest part of the snail body......
To this last block completed this morning (#16) where I made a modified snowball block for the biggest part of the snail body. Much faster and few seams to have to match up. But since I'm using scraps for the bodies this won't always work because they aren't always big enough for a finished 6-9 inch square to be cut.
And here is the back of this block. Because the corners of the shell need to match the background fabric in the rest of the block, I used the seams that were there on the corner HST's to sew the seams for the WOW fabric and then just trimmed away the original fabric. =) And for a change had everything all match up like it was supposed to.
1. I've accumulated enough from the sewing I've been doing to be able to pay off the next bill in March.....now to decide which of the next two I'm planning to pay off that it will be.
2. My best quilting buddy is stopping by overnight on Friday on her way thru town, been almost 3 yrs since I've seen her and I can't wait to spend time with her.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11 (NIV)
Thursday, February 28, 2019
February F2F blocks

The three blocks I made were these. I fell in love with the white and lavender print I used in two of them. and am happy that I've still got a bunch of it left for myself. =)
1. For long-distance friends to swap blocks with
2. For counts that while they dropped, did not go into a critical range.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
HST hints
When making HST can be a time consuming process, especially if you need lots of them for whatever you're making. I've been looking for ways to make this faster while working on the snails blocks.

For some time, I would lay out extra triangles on top of a fabric strip like this. Then sew down both sides of the strip and trim the HST's to size.
This time though, I tried the same basic thing with 2 squares. First I made sure that the red square was big enough to get the size I needed out of it (2" finished - 4.5" square).
Then stitched around all four edges as shown (and yes, I don't necessarily match thread colors when I sew.....lol).
Next up was trimming the HST's to the size needed. Love trimming before pressing because I only have to make two cuts instead of four.
And this is what I had once I trimmed all 4 HST's. The center 'X' is what was waste.
Now the downside of these ways of making the HST's is that you have bias edges on the block. But for me the time savings and ease of doing it this way makes that worthwhile dealing with.
Gratitudes -
1. Only 2 more infusions are scheduled
2. I'm not having to pay anything for the infusions - a good thing when they are billed at $23,000 each! (And that's cheap compared to what was billed in WY when I had to have the same treatment)

For some time, I would lay out extra triangles on top of a fabric strip like this. Then sew down both sides of the strip and trim the HST's to size.
This time though, I tried the same basic thing with 2 squares. First I made sure that the red square was big enough to get the size I needed out of it (2" finished - 4.5" square).
Then stitched around all four edges as shown (and yes, I don't necessarily match thread colors when I sew.....lol).
Next up was trimming the HST's to the size needed. Love trimming before pressing because I only have to make two cuts instead of four.
And this is what I had once I trimmed all 4 HST's. The center 'X' is what was waste.
Now the downside of these ways of making the HST's is that you have bias edges on the block. But for me the time savings and ease of doing it this way makes that worthwhile dealing with.
Gratitudes -
1. Only 2 more infusions are scheduled
2. I'm not having to pay anything for the infusions - a good thing when they are billed at $23,000 each! (And that's cheap compared to what was billed in WY when I had to have the same treatment)
More snails

I have one more orphan block pulled that will make one of the larger blocks of these shown here.
I'm thinking that I need to start laying them out and assembling where I can so I can start figuring out what size I need for filler blocks and making those as well.
1. So far we still have insurance here at work............
2. We're getting the first paycheck from Feb today (will still be behind one tho as of tomorrow)
Mystery Fabric QAL Reveal
Three of my quilting friends and I have been working on a mystery Quilt-A-Long. The mystery part comes in the form of all of us working with the same FQ of fabric, and then doing whatever we wanted to with it.

The mystery fabric is the one that my friend Susan used in her pillow here . And it matched up perfectly with the lightest blue in the novelty fabric above.
After cutting the squares apart, I bordered them out so that I could square them up to 10" finished. Then made the 4 extra blocks I needed with assorted WOW's and the mystery fabric. When finished this will most likely be donated somewhere.
1. Weather is starting to look a wee bit better after a really bad evening T-Storm earlier in the week.
2. The PT job is going well and bringing in a wee bit of money to help pay the bills off.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Stretching Art 2019 Progress

Challenge theme = 20 (20th anniversary of the challenge), open to any interpretation we want
Fabrics - embroidered silks, all from my scraps (circles)
cotton (background and backing)
Size - 18" wide by 36" long
Cotton batting
Design - based on tessellations like seen in nature
Back showing the backing and another view of the quilting.
Closer pic of the quilting
Still to be decided on - which way to hang the quilt so I know where to put the hanging sleeve (this way or turned 180 degrees, has to be in this orientation).
Yet to finish - binding (once I find it...), label (which means I need to decide on a name), and the hanging sleeve.
The way this turned out it reminds me of one of the desktop sand zen gardens, so I may name it "Tessellation Zen".
1. It sounds like we might get paid tomorrow or Wed.....
2. Got paid for the commissioned stuff that was picked up on Saturday
Commission Progress

Next up - Taking the last pair of overalls and deconstructing them so that I can make more stockings (probably about another 20 or so like I did from the first pair). And 8 more pillows from 2 denim shirts, 7 t-shirt pillows and 3 pillows from bandannas. The stockings planned will have bits and pieces of bandannas that were used in earlier projects as embellishments on them.

Pic to the right is the dress that I'll be working with. The bodice area will be used for the pillow, the lace sleeves and skirt will be used for the ring bearer pillows. I know what I want to do on the big pillow.....now to execute the idea when i get to work on these after finishing the current work in progress.
1. For this big commission that ultimately bring in as much as I made all of last yr with my sewing.
2. For the PT job that is also helping bring in extra money to pay bills off.
Weekend Sewing Wrap-up
Got a fair bit done over the weekend, some of which started from doing some straightening up in the room (the dining room area) where I do all my sewing.
First up was this little mug rug made from a free kit that I'd picked up 18 months ago on what is called a "Mug Rug Run" by 5 different quilt shops over in Arlington TX. The fabric was included in the kit for both the front and back. I added a piece of fusible fleece for batting, and then birthed it to put it all together. It's approximately 4" by 6" finished size if I remember right. It will end up a gift for someone at Christmas time.

Finally was the next snail block. Orphan block used for the shell. Scraps used for the body of the snail. Someone gave it to me, but I don't remember who. I think probably one of my friends from the Quilt Chicks list. Finished size is 12" by 15".
2. Warmer and dry weather this week before the chill coming next week.
First up was this little mug rug made from a free kit that I'd picked up 18 months ago on what is called a "Mug Rug Run" by 5 different quilt shops over in Arlington TX. The fabric was included in the kit for both the front and back. I added a piece of fusible fleece for batting, and then birthed it to put it all together. It's approximately 4" by 6" finished size if I remember right. It will end up a gift for someone at Christmas time.

Next up was putting together these blue equilateral triangles that I'd had leftover from one of the few quilt classes (was one by Karen Combs) I've ever taken. My friend Tracey who used to live in TN shared the fabric she'd hand-dyed for the class because I hadn't understood that I needed three shades of one color for the class. These were leftover from the project. I've put them together in this snack mat that is about 9" by 15" at this point. Am debating whether to square off the ends or to bite the bullet on the binding and leave as is. Also thinking about whether to embellish it any....
Next up was this denim tote bag that will be going to a longtime friend. Denim and webbing for straps were from my stash. Front pocket started with an orphan block and scrap fabric for the lining, fusible fleece for the batting in it.
Finally was the next snail block. Orphan block used for the shell. Scraps used for the body of the snail. Someone gave it to me, but I don't remember who. I think probably one of my friends from the Quilt Chicks list. Finished size is 12" by 15".
1. For the commissioned order that I'm continuing to work on - ultimately just it will bring in as much money as I made all of last year with my sewing.
2. Warmer and dry weather this week before the chill coming next week.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
More Memory Stockings finished.......

Waistband and the zipper placket (minus the zipper) in the front of this stocking. Placket stitched down to form a solid piece of fabric.
Part of the waist band and one side pocket in this stocking.
One of two stockings made by layering the larger scraps of denim to form a piece big enough for a stocking front. raw edges were left exposed on the layered areas.
5 more denim stockings, and 2 denim & knit stockings to go from the first pair of overalls.
1. Tax return is back! Good timing since we still haven't been paid from last week..........sigh......
Cross-Stich UFO's

After 2 different rounds of chemo, 2 states (WY and TX), 3 years, and 2 moves, this little piece (2" by 3") is now complete.
This will most likely end up in a quilted postcard.
This piece was started during the same round of chemo in WY as the puppy. I started back in on it yesterday and now have the lettering completed. Flowers are now in progress. I'm hoping to have it finished next session since all that is left is just done with a running stitch.
1: Didn't fight leg cramps last night
2. Second infusion down, 2 more to go
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Weekend progress

These 7 stockings have been completed - top left is pieced from the larger scraps of the denim overalls, the others have a base front from a t-shirt, and then have either pockets, the top section of the front bib or scraps appliqued onto the knit.
Made this quilted postcard for a commission. Flowers were an orphan block someone had given to me.
These 4 quilted postcards were made with orphan string-pieced bits of fabric. The sun bonnet sue girls were reclaimed from a tissue box cover that I found several yrs ago in a thrift store.
And I've started pondering how to finish off my improv blocks. I've rearranged them since taking this pic, but it at least shows them all together.
1. For finding the fabric needed to continue working on the commission.
2. Spring is coming and I've got a mower thanks to a friend.......I need it now! lol
Friday, February 15, 2019
Planning out the Layout for the Snails

To help think about how I wanted to lay things out, I drew rectangles to scale to represent the sizes of the blocks that I've been making.
This is what I came up with for a rough sketch of the size top I need for my bed - approximately an 80" by 100" top with no borders on it. Colored blocks show the ones I's still need to make, pinky areas are were I'd have to fill in with filler blocks.
Lots of blocks would still be needed if I were to make it totally with out borders since I like it to hang down the side of my bed, and I tuck it under the mattress at the end of the bed because I toss and turn at night.
Or I might do something like this so I just have filler blocks at the bottom where I tuck it in.
What ever way I decide to go, I do plan to do it in panels so that it is easier to handle.
1. For savings to use for bills when paychecks don't come through when they should.
2. For being able to say "It is well with my soul" and mean it no matter the circumstances in my life
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Scrap Happy February 2019

Final 4 blocks for my improv challenge. Scraps and orphan strip sets and blocks make up these

The current plan is to set them together with narrow WOW sashing, and then figure out a border for the quilt.
Be sure to check out what everyone else has posted about this month.
Check out what the others have done with their scraps this month -
Kate, Gun, Titti, Heléne, Eva, Sue, Nanette, Lynn, Lynda, Birthe, Turid, Susan, Cathy, Debbierose, Tracy, Jill, Claire, Jan, Karen, Moira ( me), Sandra, Linda, Chris, Nancy, Alys, Kerry, Claire, Jean, Johanna,
Joanne, Jon, Hayley, Dawn, Gwen and Connie
1. First chemo session is done, was long but no problems arose from it.
2. For friends who check to make sure that I'm ok after things like the chemo.
Monday, February 11, 2019
Orphan Block clean out
I weeded this pile of orphan blocks and block sections out as I was looking for what I wanted and they are in a box to give away. I finally convinced myself that I don't need to keep all of them, esp. the stuff that I have no idea what to do with.
What is left I have an idea of what to do with them. And the smaller ones probably will end up as filler blocks on my snail quilt.
Not sure who gave me these orphans, but I'm going to sash them out to a common size (10" I think to match the green star block under them), and then planning on putting them into a little quilt for one of the Hands 2 Help charities this year. Not sure tho what color to sash with, maybe navy kona?
Over the weekend I got asked to make a quilted postcard for someone who is getting ready to celebrate her 90th BD. Was told she likes blues, flowers and pansies.
This had been given to me by someone who had been on a CQ list I'm on several yrs ago and I'd never figured out what to do with it. I think that flower in the center looks much like a pansy.......so it will be the start of the postcard.
This is the second new commission received this weekend. Not big, but every little bit helps.

1. Thankful to only work 2 miles from where the hematologist's office is after getting a call this morning telling me that the appt I thought was tomorrow was really this morning....sigh.......
2. That I was able to get my food prep for the week done over the weekend so that if I don't feel up to cooking on Wed after the infusion I don't have to worry about it.
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